Borderlands Miniatures for the Tabletop


I was wondering if anyone has any ideas or links to miniatures that would be a good fit for playing a Borderlands style game as a tabletop RPG. Most miniatures I see are 100% fantasy or grimdark oriented.

I also am trying to find a miniature or figure that would be fitting for our Wattle Gobbler friend, since November is coming up. :slight_smile:


can always 3d print your own.

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I’d like to, but I don’t personally have access to a 3D printer or a good way to acquire a nice 3D model to print with the 3D printer. Seems like it’d be really costly to outsource.

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they have a $99 3d printer

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The Malifaux miniature range has some stuff that would fit. It has a pretty board range of characters and something could click for a custom vault hunter representation.

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Thank you KrewlraiN, that’s more in line with what I had in mind. It does seem like a lot of their figures are on the pricier side, but I will give them a look.

Again, thank you!


I found a Claptrap keychain in a comic book store that was a good tabletop size (though standing him up on his little wheel requires a moment to get the balance down, though you could probably file a little flat spot on it to make this easier). I unscrewed the chain and he sits in my desk now. I thought there were other characters in that line, but a cursory Google search doesn’t turn any up.

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Oh I have that key chain too. Could easily glue him to a base for support.

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