Best prefix for Ravager?

I know that casual results in two additional pellets, but is hhere a better variant for pure damage?


How do Juicy and Sinewy compare?

Casual usually ends up being the best, followed by juicy.

The Ravager is a facemelter, so you want to be super close to your enemy in order to use it. This can be risky, but if you are pretty tanky, I think you will find it quite fun.

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With Axton, this thing sounds amazing! isnt it basically an DPUH? but in shotgun form?

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I find the Casual prefix to be overrated for shotguns with already large pellet counts. The extra damage is ok, but the accuracy, which isn’t that great anyway, turns to ■■■■.

Personally I’d much rather find a Juicy, Sinewy or maybe even Desperate version. Honestly though, almost any purple Ravager is a great weapon.


Rock. :slight_smile:

I always go for Casual or Juicy like they said, but they all hit really hard.

On shotties like CC or Butcher, the extra pellets make a huge difference. Butcher only has 3 pellets as standard, and the CC has 5. Adding two pellets to those shotties increases the base damage ~67% for the Butcher and 40% on the CC. A Ravager has, IIRC, 16 pellets as standard, plus a much larger spread than the previous two. Adding two pellets to 16 means an increase by 12,5%.

I, personally, always go for the critical prefix on Ravagers, Quads, etc. The increased mag size would be my second choice.

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Good luck finding a Rock prefix with good parts. it’s a gamble with Buttstalion, but if you can find one, ifs pretty dang awesome.

You have a point, but I don’t recommend using the Ravager at any range other than point blank, where accuracy isnt as much of an option. Point-face, pull trigger.

It depends on how you want to play. if you are okay with running right up to enemies, you are good with most any prefix. Being slow moving pellets, slow fire rate, and slow reload, it’s not something I would recommend taking anywhere near medium range unless your target is HUGE.

Haha yeah. I got one, and I was actually talking about that with my friend since I had a regular purple Casual to compare it to. I guess there are varying parts on the gemstone weapons which makes the ‘good’ ones even more rare.

Is the accuracy difference between a Casual and a Juicy significant, or hardly even noticeable?

It’s a point-blank-range gun, with accuracy somewhere at 15 - 20%. Having two extra pellets (Casual) isn’t really something that affects it’s accuracy. The spread will still be the same. Just more pellets. If you really want to improve it’s accuracy, you should go for the accuracy prefix (Potent), and also try to get one with Hyperion parts (not the barrel, obviously ;)). Hyperion parts gives you increased accuracy. You might get to 25 - 30% with that, so it’s not really worth it, imo. It’s a gun that works best up close and personal.

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Casual adds 2 pellets + their splash and this is why I always go with the +pellets prefix on Torgue shotties.
Crit may be better with general Jakobs (no OM) due to their innate crit boost rewarding accurate shots and the fact that the double-barrels is usually better to use than the quad.
But when it comes to Torgue, with all that splash, fck accuracy. The more pellets the better!

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Do any of you guys have a max dqmage purple op8 casual Ravager?

What would the MAX damage possible be on a casual variant? in other words, should I look for Jakobs or Torque barrels, and how would i know which atack to look for? Would a Rock variant with good parts beat out everything else?

You get the splash damage no matter which prefix you have, right. If you have 16 pellets, you get 16 splash damage. 18 pellets, 18 splash damage.

If you have the critical prefix, you get the splash damage on the 16 pellets, but you also get the crit bonus on those pellets. Unless you score zero critical hits on each shot, I dare say that the critical will provide more damage in the long run. The critical prefix also adds a tighter spread on shotties, which makes it more likely for you to actually score a few crits on each shot.


Gotcha. So what exactly is the Rock prefix? Is it just really rare?

Gemstone guns can only be farmed in the Tiny Tina dlc. Not gonna explain how, coz I don’t wanna spoil for anyone. But in short, it’s a really rare drop, and it requires a lot of eridium (unless you’re really lucky, ofc).

So they don’t have much of a use other than just looking pretty?

In some cases, that’s reason enough! :laughing: They are better than the regular purples, but I don’t think they’re THAT much better. A good purple will serve you just as well, and they’re a lot easier to come by.

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