What is up w/ all the rush to level 72?

I can’t help but notice a lot of request to power level to the highest levels w/o even so much as going through the story once on normal mode. I’ve played this game for years now, on and off, as I’m sure a lot of people here have. And I don’t want to come off sounding like a douche b, but why not go through one or two playthroughs before asking someone to carry you to the higher levels. I mean how do you even enjoy the game if you haven’t

I understand to each his own or whatever floats your boat but I just couldn’t help but ask

I have more fun at max level, but I’ve beaten the story 12 times, so I’d rather be powerlevelled and enjoy max level fighting with farmed gear than go through the story again changing guns every 2 hours. However, the “never beaten normal” thing doesn’t really apply to me then, does it? :P.

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Same here, after so many playthroughs I figured I was entitled to some power leveling either by my other toons or someone else’s help. But not even going through one or two playthroughs? Then what, they still need to go through the story to get your other two weapons slot. Unless one figures once you’re leveled up then the process of going through it won’t be too tedious.

But then thats like going on a road trip and sleeping the entire time til you get to their final destination. Then what? They wonder what people talk about in these forums because they can’t relate or join random coops behaving like Leeroy Jenkins (which still cracks me up btw) Because they slept through all the stops. Heck, w/ all the years of playing and playthroughs w/ diff toons, I still learn something new almost everyday.

Yeah you kind of answered your own question there man. Have a nice rest of your weekend! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Agreed I like the anticipation of leveling up.

But different strokes for different folks.


I’ve actually deleted and restarted a bunch of characters a bunch of times. I have fun at max level too but part of the fun for me is finding new guns, and sorting through the loot you get to use what’s best at that point.

I’ve never understood this either. If the entire process of playing the game is not fun, why play it in the first place. How is having OTHER people play the game FOR you fun?

Leveling up characters, playing the game, and finding stuff to help you do the previous two IS the fun part, not reaching the imaginary fun zone of level 72.


That, and if you haven’t figured out what works best for your character and your approach to the game, then reaching level 72 w/o a clear understanding of the mechanics of the game and your character will ultimately prove frustrating. In other words, "Help- I’ve reached level 72 and can’t kill anything! This game is so DUMB! And where’s all the orange gear at? What do you mean I actually have to WORK for it. You mean someone’s not going to play Santa for me? Man, I can’t FARM for stuff- I have a life!"


I could see if someone is on a 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc. character and has already gotten to lvl 72 at least once, if they are almost level 72 (say 67-68+) or if their save file somehow got corrupted and they don’t want to have to play thru all over again just to get back to where they were pre-save file corruption. Other than that, if you get PL’d with your 1st character from the “get go”, you won’t have a clear appreciation or understanding of the nuances, strengths / weaknesses of that character or the gameplay mechanics in general.

Forum ID: Poisd2Strike
GT: Poisd2Strike
Trades: http://forums.gearboxsoftware.com/t/poisd2strikes-humble-shop/367700
Gun Prefixes | Gun Parts | Max Stats
Maya OP8 | Banshee RR / NRR | Binder
| Cat | Nurse | Siren | Trickster B / M

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I propose that the Venn diagram intersection between people who power-level through the game from the get-go and those who swear that the Bee + DPUH/Sandhawk is the best/only option in the game is quite large.

I played long ago on PC, picked it up on PS4 and a lot has been added or changed. Looking through forums/Google I see so many people who are clearly new asking to be PL’d or asking for gear that it seems trying to get stuff for yourself isn’t really how it’s done now days.

Oh and I get the idea of having been through it 7 times and want to PL now to get a new build going that’s a lot different.

I’m currently enjoying my “retirement”, tooling around in UVHM, resetting missions, prestiging, playing where I want, how I want, at the difficulty I want with nine distinct characters. If I lost my saves (for example), the thought of replaying the storyline 27 more times to get them all back to story completion in UVHM (I’ll skip my mules and co op characters for now), then running through Digistruct Peak 72 more times to get them all to OP8 (and I’m not even talking about re-farming all my stuff)… I would probably be asking for a hand too. Granted, Digistruct Peak isn’t quite the same nor is it a full run every single time, but still.

If other people want to jump straight for UVHM by having someone powerlevel them, that’s fine I guess; it’s their game.

I don’t mind normal and TVHM but the idea of leveling in UVHM is torture, you have to farm constantly, so I skip the preocess whenever I can.

I don’t mind leveling until reaching UVHM. That is when it becomes a pins and needles experience. Being that I was sticking with Jakobs did not help at all in making my choices of equipment easy.

It’s not like the first game where all you have left is to loot. You can start the whole game over with what you have and experiment with weaponry, grenades, and shields without worry of it becoming obsolete in a few hours.

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I suppose its safe to say that most, if not all the responses, concur that you have to at least play nvhm and tvhm before asking to be power leveled.

I’d also like to point out that the scenario I described in my original post doesn’t apply to any of the players that replied since all of you have gone through at least one playthrough.

I suppose I can always set my game to invite only if I choose not to play coop w/ over leveled players who doesn’t even know the how the playthrough goes, let alone the mission flow.

But at the end of the day I have to agree that its their game and they can choose to play how they see fit. And as I will with mine. Thanks for all the responses. I really appreciate it.