Need help with hyperius the invincible

So I’m on the ps4. Borderlands handsome collection. I’m level 63 I’ve tried to kill him so many times but I just can’t. It takes me a while to destroy his bots. Then after that he kills me right away. I wanna farm him to get a norfleet. Can anyone help me or give me some tips and what gear should I use?

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Here’s my strategy (bequeathed to me by @steamnixtest).

Hyperius and his minions have a number of attacks. They fire rockets. These don’t home, so you can avoid them. Keep moving. More difficult are his novas. His main pattern is to fire 2 of them in quick succession. The first will drain your shields, the second will activate “health gate” (which means that if you have more than half of your health, no enemy will kill you in a single hit).

When his second nova nearly kills you, or you take other damage, you need to get back health asap. Best way to do this is with the Grog Nozzle. As soon as you’re below 50% health, equip it and do a lot of damage from another source, e.g. phaselock, or a fastball grenade. If you’re careful you can use damage over time. Later in the fight his attacks will become less regular so you need to get your health back very fast.

My strategy for actually killing him. He spawns 4 minions that shield him. If you damage a minion a bit, it temporarily stops shielding H. and shields itself. I ignore H. first of all and kill 3 minions, leaving 1 with full health. Then, whittle down the remaining minion, so that H. is left without shields for several periods. When he’s shieldless, pound him with as much damage as possible.

When he gets to low health (or the minion dies) he’ll start leaping at you. Novas get irregular so your priority is to recharge health and strafe to avoid his jumps. Take your time, keep up the run and gun approach until he eventually dies and breaks apart into a heap of seraph crystals - and hopefully a norfleet :slight_smile:

My gear: bee shield, fastball, a hornet pistol for the minions, then a fire sandhawk for Hyperius himself.


Thanks for the response. This will help me a lot. When I go on next time I will farm for the gear that I need then I will try this method. Thanks again. If I need anymore help I will post on this topic again:)

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If you’re not able to get a grog nozzle a slag Rubi works just as well

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I have the grog nozzle but I don’t have a fire sandhawk as I have already completed the quest. Do you know any other good fire weapons that do good damage to H?

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There aren’t really that many good weapons to use other than the sand hawk. What character are you?

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Commando. Well I don’t want to start another walk through because then I’ll have to do the missions for the sand hawk and for hyperius.

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Would you be able to do it online with other people? You could post another thread and people will be glad to help. You could tell them that all you want is to kill hyperious for a norfleet and they would be glad to help

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Yeah but that takes the fun out of the game if someone else is doing it for me. Does it have to be a fire weapon?? Is there any other good weapons that can do decent damage?

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Yes coop is always good for raids - although I think Hyperius is definitely the easiest to solo with a bit of practice. Commando is a good class as your turret will distract him.

I’ll try a runthrough with some other guns, see if any are effective. The advantage of the sand hawk is each projectile benefits from the bee shield bonus, and it has a good burst fire effect. Even a non elemental or shock one might work well. you could try farming the bunker for an (incendiary) B!tch too.

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Oh I might just get to level 72 then reset uvhm to get the sand hawk. I’ve had enough of farming the bunker I had to destroy the bunker about 50 times to drop a sham :smiley:

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Just had a go with a few other weapons. It’s a much harder time without the sand hawk. I just about did it with a corrosive SMG for the loaders, then an unkempt harold and moxxi heartbreaker for Hyperius; the unkempt harold meant staying closer to him than desirable. Ammo became a real problem though, if you’re not using the sandhawk I would recommend an ammo relic.

If you want to farm him on multiple occasions I would reset, do the pirate dlc, and get a sand hawk. It’s a powerful weapon combined with the bee shield that will let you take on a lot of tough stuff, so I’d say worth the trouble.

I always make a backup of my save files before resetting in case I get a change of heart. :slight_smile:

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Hattie’s strategy is basically what I use with Axton.

If you don’t have a Fire Sandhawk…Fire Ladyfist with Bee and crit the dickens out of his face

Slag him when he doesn’t have his shield… lowest level betties or bonnies or crossfires yoiu can find

Lowest level because the grenades won’t kill you and the slag potential is exactly the same

Grog or even a slag Pimpernel also works and there is always the wonderful Slagga.

When he gets to “Mr. Jumpy” Run and shoot and ALWAYS keep moving…Fire Kitten or fire Slowhand or Fire Hail will help keep your health up.

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With a strategy, the right gear, and a few practice deaths, he becomes very manageable. I actually often prefer doing him solo. I will say I think he’s the SCARIEST of all the bosses… just as a character

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It’s all good now I’ve rest UVHM and doing the missions again however I’m going to get to level 72 first then collect the gear I need and I will definitely try out hattie’s strategy and the sandhawk strategy.

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@amer_gstar > Just a word of advice, don’t get to think farming Hyperius is going to result in Norfleets dropping like hotcakes. He’s notoriously STINGY with the old launcher. You may have more chance of running for President :blush:

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A further word of caution in taking him down: beware bullet reflection. Never shoot him when he’s shielded, and if you’re damaging him in between his shielded periods, be careful. It’s easy to happily burst fire sandhawk rounds for a bit too long and end up getting put straight into ffyl.

I was very lucky and got a Norfleet on my 4th Hyperius run. The gods were with me! I’ve also got a number of other good legendaries from him, including the hornet, pyrophobia, and for some reason a kiss of death.

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The fire swift lead storm from the Hammerlock DLC seraph vendor can also be used, as it has unlisted projectiles. Takes some getting used to, but it’s effective against Hyperius. And you only need 120 seraph crystals, easily obtainable via farming Pete, then you can farm the vendor via save/quit/continue until you get a swift fire one.

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Alright thanks for the tip

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Don’t worry I will farm him till he drops a norfleet

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