Well folks, it appears Moxxxi isn’t all that and 2 family sized bags of chips, at least for some of us (@illogik420 @Jefe @RavenOfArisia @Carlton_Slayer @Curmudge0n @Slif_One @piratebones2 @nat_zero_six @Ossie) This topic is just a little place for us Tannis fans to continue a conversation that was derailing an established thread and was inevitably going to get kyboshed by the mods anyway.
Since this is the first that topic I have created I didn’t want to do it half-assed but since you guys have continued this derailment all day while I was in the woods with my family I’m in a hurry. And since I’m more of a deviant than P3RV-E I have included a link to another web sight that includes a collection of Tannis dialogue and another link of some fan art of her.
So lets continue this fight over who gets to take Tannis to the prom even though @Jefe clearly won. I’m gonna start by posting this pic she let ME take…
Artist: Suppa-Rider