Unofficial Community Patch

Thinking about getting back into Borderlands and I remember reading about it a while ago.

Is it still actively being worked on? Sorry if the question seems a little noobish, real life keeping me busy.

Have found the 4.1 patch of it.

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You can find out more from this page:

I’d suggest following up the Reddit or Discord links if you need help or assistance with the patch as it is, well, unofficial.



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Hope to see more updates, would love to see more stuff, have 1 mod in particular I would love to see one day too.

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Any guides or apps that help teach you how to write mods for it? I kinda want to make an overhaul for a character I made up before.

Kinda want to see if I could make something like this possible:

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Some bigger changes are possible, but definitely not to that extent. Stat changes in skills and a few custom weapons were as far as I ever got, so some of what you mentioned for that character concept is possible, but not custom animations like you wanted for the action skill.

I’d suggest joining Shadow’s discord (, that’s where most of the modding community resides these days.

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I could handle not having custom animations,

Would be happy to just use Salv and change his action skill to instead of pulling out 2 guns, he would pull out a custom gun and the stats would be based on the skills and equipped weapon.

Have it when he uses the special with a regular weapon, a new custom assault rifle would be pulled out instead and with grenades, he would pull out a grenade launcher weapon instead.

Will have to read up on it though, because I would like to play this character I thought up with how it sounds and how unique in play style it could be.

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