Kuolemanlaakso's Random Playthroughs Thread

Here myself and anyone else who wishes to contribute can post their own ideas, however bizarre/difficult/insane they might be!

Yesterday I had an idea of a new playthrough, that could be a new Vault Hunter starting at level 1, or any existing character with a reset playthrough. The idea behind it is to firstly make sure this character has some cash. Do this by transferring high level gear via your preferred method (mule or Clappy’s stash) and sell it.

From there, the plan is thus. Starting in Southern Shelf (first place there are vending machines in the main story) you have to buy the Item of the Day from the Ammo and Weapon machines and use only those items until the next area, when you have to replace them with the new Items of the Day. This can include the Health machines, I was thinking you could buy the Item of the Day - If it happens to be a class mod that your character you cannot use, you can instead either buy the first class mod in the machine that is relevant to your character, and if there isn’t one, you buy the first shield in the list.

If the Item of the Day in the weapon machine in a new area is a different weapon type, you are allowed to keep the previous weapon as well, allowing you to have some weapon swapping options. @Worblehat suggested using Salvador for this, but really any Vault Hunter can surely make it work.

Please post those stupid playthrough ideas you’ve had but have never dared share with anyone else before now :slight_smile:


I’ve done some shield-only runs. It’s easy with my Maliwan allegiance (since Gaige is my rep here, Maliwan makes epic shields, and she’s got plenty of Moxxi guns to choose from to keep her health up). It’s less easy with my Dahl allegiance (since Axton is the rep here, and he’s only got the WTF shield for offense with no Moxxi gear). For the non-allegiance players in the field who are free to load their characters out however they see fit, this can be a hoot.

I’ve also done some reflection-only runs. Get a Siren, load her out with Kinetic Reflection, a COM to put this at +11, give her a Gemstone weapon (your favorite), and give her an Antagonist shield. This is pretty restrictive since it has to be Maya and enemies need to fire bullets (doesn’t work well on Bullymongs), but it’s also a hoot.

Landscaper-only runs. Do it ya pansies.

Summon-only runs are an interesting diversion (turret-only with Axton and Deathtrap-only with Gaige). It works, but it’s not that fun since you don’t really contribute (other than slag application). That said, a Nuke-only run with Axton is super fun, I think. Build around Gemini and Nuke however you see fit, then equip a Legendary Engineer COM with a fire Bone relic. Slag enemies, toss dual Nukes at 'em, and immediately recall. Rinse and repeat. I took this through the WEP once… works better on flesh enemies, and the UCP makes this much easier now, but you get the drift.


You know you still owe @Worblehat and me a Dahlvador. :wink:
You should also know we will never let this die :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I’m very good at conveniently forgetting stuff that turns out to be a bad idea, remember Mineko, my white gear only Siren? She’s still only level 8 :smiley:


Dahlvador: an assault rifle and SMG combo could make this work during Gunzerking: they’ll fire fully automatic without the zoom (where sniper rifles and pistols by Dahl won’t). Dahl makes a decent Plasma Caster too. If you’re used to the standard Pimpernel/Harold/Grog Nozzle fare, you’ll be disappointed, but this should otherwise be fine.

Slag Plasma Caster and Seraphim maybe?


I’ll take that challenge!

1 Item of the day coming up! (I assume using Krieg is cheating in this case?)


I’m used to Deputy Sal now so i’m used to hitting the trigger repeatedly while Gunzerking. I just don’t think it sounds very interesting as a playthrough, personally. As far as I know i’m stuck using Booster shields with Dahl, is that right?

I know i’ll give in eventually on this idea, I just think I feel like trying some new things first.

I don’t see why. Yes, melee etc. But the same could be said for Zer0. Use who you like, as long as you’re using the grenade and gun the machines give you, i’m fine with it :slight_smile:

I also considered a No Vehicle No Fast Travel 1-OP8 too… One day :slight_smile: Obviously you’d have to allow fast travel for places you can’t access any other way.

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@Vinterbris was the original Dahlvador and made it to level 23 before ADD ( and a bleeding forehead ) set in.



Anyway, I see what’s happening here. This community is slowly ganging up on me, telling me it’s a great idea until I crack :slight_smile:


Honestly i want to try a dahl weapons only sal now. I won’t limit my shields and other gear tho


I think I did a no-fast-travel playthrough in BL1 once (I did use vehicles though.) Thought about doing it in BL2 as well but obviously once Sanctuary is in the air you gotta bend the rules a little. I think the rule I made up for that, in case I went through with it, would be I could only FT to Sanctuary from the FT station at Three Horns Divide (the closest to Sanctuary while it was still on the ground.)


That’s a great plan. I like it. Could keep the rule and add you can only travel to DLC from Sanctuary too.

Came into this topic to mention the Dahlvador. Was not disappoint.


love this. lmao :joy:


I don’t know WTF you’re talking about. :smirk:


@Jefe @Worblehat @farsight37

I’m getting really bored of Gaige, for some reason, so you may get your wish. Salvador Dahli may be born today. Now, I need rules and what needs to be Dahl. Everything, or just weapons?

Edit: Here he is

Please leave your suggested rules, i’m simply going to get him through to Liar’s Berg for now, using only the Basic Repeater.


Everything DAHL

I wanna see you suffer! :smiley:


No Shotguns or Rocket Launchers. No good grenades and no healing from grenades. Oh, and I almost forgot, no good shields.

Also, here’s the early footage. Note the semi Dali reference in the title :wink: i’ll try to make a reference in any video I do, decency permitting!

Am I allowed to use any shield until I get a Dahl one at least?


Nope! DAHL or Dodge! :stuck_out_tongue:

(I’ll run one later! :smiley: )


Kill Flynt with a level 2 Dahl React Repeater and no shield.