So. been playing bl1 for a while since the chat servers were restored.
I played the original aeons ago on pc, before dlc.
I offer a couple reactions (i won’t cover loot and leveling since this is a well worn topic) even though I find the guns a bit more broadly fun.
The environments on bl1 feel more real or better fleshed out. bl2 seems much more crayola, sketchy and it seems like the outlining is a tammy fae dose of mascera. Buildings and installations seem to have a sense of real purpose. Driving around is much more interesting. Oddly I am now finding the AI much more rational in bl1. Things move with more deliberate purose (aka killing me) and adon’t spam brownian motion as means to make them harder (tediously frustrating) to kill. Everything from skags to bandits in all flavors seem to move with a bit more sensible fluidity. short form: environments better in bl1, ai had something bl2 lost.
And yes, it is great to have enemies drop the weapon they use. It is an avenue that merits exploration in another game… make it obvious what they are carrying before agro.
It is also very interesting to note that Brick is more crazy than Krieg in rage mode. Tannis is right about rabies meds.