So, anyone that has read my recent posts could probably tell I was recently disappointed to find that the 4 player glitch had been nerfed.
I suggested maybe making the Mysterious Amulet add players. I figure it would Add difficulty and challenge to those running maxed characters, and allow us soloists to farm things like Vermi and OOO which is otherwise really F**cking annoying. This way it is a CHOICE to make the game harder.
This way, unlike the glitch, it wouldn’t be accidentally activated causing problems with newbs or others who don’t know about the glitch. It also fits into the +X Friendship theme of the amulet.
It will be activated accidentally by every single player who gets the amulet when they take it for a spin, especially during the first few months after it’s patched in. Some will read about the change or find out what’s up, many others will encounter one chump enemy after equipping it, get killed by it a couple of times before they can deal with it and complain that the game is broken.
I’m sure my friends wouldn’t be happy - we sometimes equip the amulet for the graphical effects, not to get hit by enemies scaled to ~20-player difficulty (3 players + 3 amulets with at least +5 friendship) instead of our usual 3-player difficulty. Besides, harder enemies would be the opposite of what I’d expect from a friendship bonus.
That’s why I’m voting No.
If it’s for Vermivorous and Omnd-Omnd-Ohk, check the list of hotfixes: varkid evolution rates have been rebalanced, making Vermivorous much easier to spawn solo. All that’s needed is a similar treatment for Omnd-Omnd-Ohk.
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(So long, and thanks for all the fish)
Not enough. It is still nearly impossible to spawn solo, even with a mule. I wasted 2 hours trying to spawn Vermi. I don’t want to waste that much time.
I voted yes because, in my opinion, more choice is always better but I strongly doubt there will be any change because
1.I think the time for bl2 to receive patches has ended;
2.This kind of options are not healthy for an enviroment that should focus on taking people togheter, not apart: if you allow people to gain the same benefits of a full party while playing alone, a lot of players would stop looking for a group.
Anyway, I’ve been looking for triple O lately and the other day he spawned twice in a hour and a half after eight hours of him not showing once .
It wouldn’t be too bad if the functionality was only on during local play.
Anyways, case in point. I just spent 4 HOURS trying just to spawn Vermi. I got 6 Ultimates (one that randomly disappeared. I was looking right at it and it blinked out of existance!) but not a single Vermi (and only 1 tubby)!
Solo players get shafted…HARD! Unless you are willing to put up with the jackassery of online players, you get screwed.
I can’t immagine implications of a changement like that so I’m unable to discuss it.
I look at this from another perspective: you know the rules - if you play solo chances are lower - so you have to decide; you either go the solo route and put up with lower chances thus longer times or you play in a group to maximize the efficiency but risking to have to deal with “crazy” people.
By this I mean that it is totally your choice, nobody (but you) is forcing you into neither.
Actually, there’s a middle ground but it only works if you’re not antisocial like me: play with your friends
I say breakthrough the solo runs, make some friends, and spawn a raid boss together. I play on 360 and be happy to go for ooo/vermi spawn runs with you. for the mysterious amulet, i think it does nothing like the secret blue gem in the diablo 2 bnet lobby when you click on it, it turns purple and will say gem activated/deactivated which did nothing but have a point of reference if you afk’d in the chat lobby.
If the amulet isn’t a good idea (lets face it, you’d lose your relic slot). Maybe a Claptrap quest, like the secret stash, that reveals a bank of switches that lets you increase the player count.
(So long, and thanks for all the fish)
A “player difficulty” slider in all versions would probably be easier to implement, as long as there’s room in one of the game options screens.
I like that they improved the spawn chances (OP you have had bad luck, I’ve had a couple of solo spawns) but I also like that there’s more chance with more people. It encourages / rewards coop and makes group experience different. Most online players of Borderlands are pretty fun - it has a good community - and I’ve really improved through reaching out to peeps, so having to coop doesn’t pain me. Also, even though I can see why people like the challenge of doing raids solo, they really are best when fought in a team. Soloing Vermi is yawn-inducing, he has so much health. But, I’m not keen on farming simulators, so fighting him doesn’t bother me too much. It’s just something fun to do at endgame with buddies, or something hilarious that happens accidentally when 4 of you are going about your business.
I think the reason they did without it in the other games is because it would make having different modes seem silly. It wouldn’t be umvh if you could play it on easy. Well that’s how I feel anyways.