Farming son of mothrakk

This is my first time posting about a game EVER. Much less Borderlands. I LOVE Borderlands 2 and I am still playing, still farming, still putting endless hours into this game. I have never had a bad thing to really say about it, much less enough to login and type my thoughts. But today? That has all changed when I started farming Son of Mothrakk at level 72. Why in the hell would they make it so you CANT get the loot? WHY!! I have tried killing him everywhere and its like no matter where he is shot down the loot just flies nowhere even near where he is, I killed him out of the arena and legit the loot got sucked over the wall into the arena! What the hell. I am sorry but this design was TERRIBLE! They know people spend hours and hours farming one boss just to get whatever they are after and yet I have no idea, he may have dropped 20 snipers by now, I couldnt tell you, because I cant see it! This was an epic fail for this game. Now that I have vented, can anyone help me? My frustration here is through the roof!


This is a worthy complaint.
The time it takes to get there, the slightly irritating fight, the perforated floor, the chance the loot won’t even fall in the arena. Plus the Skullmasher is a pretty meh sniper. I’ll take a purple any day over it.

If you’re on PC, you can read-only farm the Rakkanoth mission in the Hammerlock DLC. It also has a chance to drop the S’Masher - but is not farmable (thus read-only-ing the last part of the mission).


Unfortunately I am playing on Xbox. Which is more frustrating and limited. For the hammerlock one can I get it on xbox somehow or is that just for PC? this is so frustrating LOL


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You can get the Hammerlock DLC on Xbox, and if you are playing the Handsome Collection you already have it. Either way, you can accomplish something similar, if more time consuming, by dashboarding (exiting to the console menu without saving) after you’ve seen that either you didn’t get the drop or weren’t happy with the one that did drop.


I def know the dash-boarding trick LOL. I def have this DLC too, so when I have to kill him he has a chance to drop it? Not a quest reward right?

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Right. 10% chance to drop. Not a reward. It takes place in the 2nd map (Scylla’s Grove) - so maybe a half hour if you zip through the first few of missions and ignore the side quests.


And he isn’t farm-able after the mission is turned in?

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I know right? All that for a S’masher.


Seriously!! The wildlife preserve set up for this item is a joke…

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I didn’t mean to come off as condescending, I only explained it because when I first joined the forum i didn’t know what it meant and took whatever I did or didn’t get first shot, so I figured it couldn’t hurt to be clear in my response. But I would agree that it’s a pain to go through for this particular sniper. All of the ones I’ve got are from the Loot Train because dashboarding on PS3 is like going to the dentist after they’ve run out of novocaine and nitrous.


No, I didnt take you that way at all! Dont worry : ) For real though, I feel the same way on xbox, I have spent hours dash-boarding for stuff. Especially trying to get a perfect Sandhawk, or Rubi, or fibbers and lady fists!! HOURS. it sucks so bad, and it sucks how many tries it takes. Most of the time I give up and settle and then I am mad at myself later lol. But i just takes so damn long, its like farming the Sham or the cobra. LOL PAINFUL! At least with PC things can be a bit easier…I never tried PC but I am def jealous of the people who can spawn their own Tubby’s LOL. Cause that is another frustration!

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Is this a PhysX-related issue? As in, if PhysX is low, weapons falling through the floor is less of a thing? Thought I heard that somewhere. :thinking:

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PhysX can certainly increase this effect. I know we’ve talked about it in regards the Bunker and the Sanctuary FT - and this would be no exception.

However the OP is on Xbox.

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You guys are not going to believe this…So crazy. So after my rant and my loot falling all over the place with Son of MR. I said screw it and started farming Terra. I figured I don’t have his gear yet at level 72. It’s been at least a couple of hours as we all know not only is he stingy but he never drops perfect variants. Guess what he just dropped? A S’MASHER!! LOL. Now mind you its the crappiest Variant there is in my book, but i still couldnt believe it. What a night…


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Never underestimate the power of ranting! Sometimes it helps! :wink:


It is definitely terrible design, I’m pretty sure I don’t have all the heads/skins he drops because it’s such a pain in the ass to farm, and as you’re saying, if he actually drops something, it’s probably unobtainable anyway.

Crazy luck on the Terra drop though. lol

In case anyone hadn’t heard: BL3 comes with a “Lost and Found” loot box in the central hub area that will apparently collect this otherwise fallen gear for you to pick up upon return. I’m not sure if we’ll ever see loot fall through walls/floors again, but in theory, it shouldn’t matter anymore.

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As a software engineer lo these last 40 years, this sounds like a classic case of;
Dammit, I cannot figure out how stuff is dropping through the floor, the Unreal guys aren’t helping with geometry debugging, and players are constantly complaining about this.
Oh wait, I know, I’ll spend a few weeks making an overly complex and usually useless new feature instead of figuring it out, that’s more fun anyway!

Not that I’ve ever done that. Well, more than 100 times at least.


Alternately: “I can either rewrite my own physics engine from scratch that doesn’t have this issue (and re-train the team on how to use it), or I can just make an in-game garbage collection unit, and get on with other things”.

I’ve made calls like this before, and as much as I trust the decisions I made, I trust that Gearbox does the same with their own development.