Trickshot Infinity

Is the trickshot infinity a legitimate gun? I have heard about people actually getting it but i aint seen any video of it (mind you as rare as it would be thats expected) i have one that was given to me with other modded weapons, like the explosive norfleet

Trick Shot is a Jakobs prefix, so it’s safe to say that it’s been modified at least to some extent.

I concur. That prefix is given only to Jakobs in place of the rate of fire accessory that would be on any other manufacture’s pistol.

If you look at the item card you’ll notice that that Infinity has Jakobs listed as the manufacturer and uses the Jakobs pistol firing animation.

Anyone who says it dropped for them legitimately is a liar.


Not to mention the Infinity is made by Vladof- and Trick Shot- as has been mentioned- is a Jakobs only prefix…

No my friend :relaxed:

Question answered.

Thread closed.