Has anyone created a list of missions to leave open for farming?

I searched but did not find one. Am I just missing it or does it not exist? The old forum is not searchable so if its there, I’m s.o.l.

Doctor’s Orders and Rocko’s Modern Strife are the only two I can think of off the top of my head. The former gives you 3-4 midgets from the boxes while the later keeps Sawtooth Cauldron mostly clear so you can farm midgets without having to worry about those annoying Buzzards. :dukerage:

This link should help u decide which quest rewards worth for farming.
Quest rewards worth farming

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@Gulfwulf nailed it. The only other one I can think of is to keep Animal Rights open if you don’t have the Slaughter Dome DLC. But then you don’t get the Trespasser, so that’s uncool.

Sawtooth Cauldron? or 1000 Cuts? xD

Hey, I don’t always remember area names off the top of my head. :duketease:

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Also, I believe some people like to keep the last (?) round of the Creature Slaughter Dome open for the Ultimate Badass Varkid. I personally don’t have that dlc, but I think the final round has the UBA for the final fight.

Good way to try for Vermiverous without going through the hassle of trying to evolve Varkids.

I knew about “Doctor’s Orders”, but not “Rocko’s Modern Strife”. Thanks!

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Thanks everyone!
What about farming the Lyuda from Gettle in the Dust?
I screwed this up because I didn’t realize that the mission “The Good, The Bad, and the Mordecai” was the one that you can farm for the Lyuda until after I completed it.
I don’t see it listed on the Quest rewards worth farming thread.
Is there somewhere else that you can get the Lyuda from?

Gettle spawn every time you load the map after the mission, so you can farm the Lyuda without problems.

That is great news. Thanks!

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