TVHM farming help

So I’m lvl 43 trying to just breeze through tvhm and only do story missions,(I started at tvhm at 42) so I don’t lvl up so much, but once I get to the end and start farming won’t I get exp that would cause me to go over 50,and cause the weapons I so tediously farmed for to be obsolete?

Yep, the scaling in BL2 is stupid and i get new weapons every 2-3 levels, but BL2 is all 'bout that grind.

IIRC, enemies cap at level 50 in TVHM (at least outside of the DLC). If you plan on going into UVHM, I wouldn’t focus too much on farming while still in TVHM. Enemies scale with your level in UVHM and can even be slightly higher level than you. In the OP levels, enemies are always higher level than you. Regardless, having a means of Slagging enemies is very important. Most of your weapons and other gear should last 4 - 5 levels, assuming it is at level. Some inherently strong weapons might last slightly longer (example: Pimpernel, Double Penetrating Unkempt Harold, Norfleet, etc.), and some will likely need to be replaced sooner.

If you get to UVHM, I recommend farming Knuckledragger for the Hornet (Corrosive) pistol. For most characters and builds It is the best Corrosive pistol in the game. And, Knuckledragger is quite frankly a joke of a “Boss”. Also, it will come in handy for that early fight against Bewn Boom / Big Bertha. It is typically the only Corrosive weapon I use when running DigiStruct Peak. The only exception might be perhaps a Pimpernel (Corrosive) / White Death (Corrosive) mainly to deal with Turrets and Constructors.

If you are concerned about having “at level” gear, you could always use Shift codes to get Golden keys for the Golden Chest in Sanctuary. You will always get either Purple or E-tech weapons from the Golden Chest, if you get a weapon. Shields and grenades are always Purple. IIRC, you will only get a Blue item if that item happens to be a Relic. Also, you will always get 2 items unless you get a Rocket Launcher. Most importantly, the gear will always be at your level as long as you open the Golden Chest in UVHM. Good luck!

Forum ID: Poisd2Strike
GT: Poisd2Strike
Gun Prefixes | Gun Parts | Max Stats
Maya OP8 | Banshee RR / NRR | Binder | Cat | Nurse | Siren | Trickster B / M

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TVHM is basically just like NVHM, only with higher levels. Every area that’s locked to a lower level will still stay that way, so farming becomes kind of pointless in those locations. You will start to level up again now that the level cap is raised, and once you reach the TVHM cap (50) everything will stay as it was (or at 50 if you start it after that point). You may keep on leveling up for a while past 50 but it slows way down, almost to a dead stop somewhere around level 54 or so.
I had a lot of fun playing the DLC’s, farming level 50 gear, and playing all those level 50 areas with that gear. Just remember that if you decide to go into UVHM, it will start at whatever level your character is, not at 50… so the longer you wait after 50 the harder it will be and the weaker your gear will be. The only way to get gear higher than level 50 in TVHM is from the golden chest in Sanctuary, because it scales to whatever level you are when you open it.

I know all about the scaling but farming for the weapons I want going into uvhm will send me over lvl 50 so is it worth it or should I just use keys, and another thing I’m having trouble matching up elements right now I don’t want to use my keys until uvhm all I have for shock is a social splat gun/maliwan sniper for distant targets, fire a vladof sniper , slag a maliwan smg, and corrosive an under leveled vladof pistol does anybody know the best weapon combos like should I make fire an smg, or slag a sniper. I’m getting pissed because half the time the only viable option for badass psychos and loaders is BaXR I want to be able to shoot those badasses to death

Finish off the Warrior with what you have then start UVHM. If you’re above 50, grab a few from the chest before you do so you’ll have a few pieces of gear at your level, which should last you until you can replace them with drops or stuff from the vendor. You only really need to refarm your gear once you reach level 72 and if you do the OP levels. As long as you’re not trying to face punch enemies with a squishy character and use cover properly, you should be fine.

I would recommend consulting the “Community Guide” thread for the character you are playing. It will have useful info about things like Builds, an evaluation of that Character’s skills (strengths / weaknesses) and also Top Gear for the character (among other things). Unfortunately, there really is no one weapon that is best to use for each element for all characters and builds.

Forum ID: Poisd2Strike
GT: Poisd2Strike
Gun Prefixes | Gun Parts | Max Stats
Maya OP8 | Banshee RR / NRR | Binder | Cat | Nurse | Siren | Trickster B / M