Resetting UVHM after a few missions

Quick question: I’m almost through TVHM and made the mistake of getting the rough rider from Sir Hammerlock’s DLC at lvl 32 in TVHM instead of waiting till lvl 50 (Playing Mania Kreig). Planning on getting a Love Thumper at lvl 50 in PT 2.5 before heading to UVHM but was wondering if, after “Cleaning up the Berg” mission in UVHM I can just go to Sir Hammerlock’s DLC, grab a Rough Rider, then restart UVHM to play through with now lvl 50 Rough Rider instead of my lvl 32ish Rough Rider.

Basically, can I complete a couple missions in UVHM to grab the RR then restart UVHM? Or do I have to beat the Warrior in UVHM before I can reset? Also, can I access Sir Hammerlock’s at the very beginning of UVHM or do I need to beat the Warrior first? Thanks!

The answer to this is “Yes” - all the DLCs are available from the beginning. The other question I don’t know from first-hand experience, but I believe you can reset at any time in UVHM - you can easily check to see if the option is available after completing one mission.

Thanks! Annoyed I picked up the RR so early in TVHM… guess I’ll be using a Love Thumper of FoTFH for the beginning of UVHM until I pick up a RR.

So I’m guessing you’re playing a melee build?

You can farm the thing that drops the Rough Rider, so if you’re almost done with TVHM, just finish that and everything will scale, then you can farm it at lv. 50.

I can? I thought that once I enter Sir Hammerlocks at level 32-33 in TVHM, all the creatures and gear will scale to that level and stay there. You’re saying that The Bulwark will scale to lvl 50 after I beat the warrior in TVHM and hence the RR will also scale even if I entered at lvl 33?

Yes, I am running a Melee Kreig. RtB was a godsend as Melee Kreig was a HUGE PITA to play up to that point. Now? Beyond the occasional StV suicide, he’s nigh unstoppable…


Yeah as long as you already completed and turned in the mission, he’ll respawn and should be lv. 50-52.

Hmmm, so how does scaling work in TVHM? I thought DLC’s were locked at the level that you first entered them in but after beating The Warrior, all missions scale, even side missions in DLC.

Let me know if I got this right:

Enter Sir Hammerlock’s DLC at lvl 33. Everything scales to lvl 35 as I entered TVHM Hammerlock DLC at 33. Complete up to Bulwark quest. Get RR. Quit DL, go beat TVHM. Return to Sir Hammerlocks. Every mission not yet completed will scale to lvl 50 since it is PT 2.5 and every monster/loot they drop will now scale to lvl 50 including Bulwark.

Sound right?

It is right.
As soon as you finish the Campaign (IE: Kill the Warrior in TVHM), every zones in the game and not accepted quests will scale to lvl 50.

Accepted (and thus ongoing) quests will still stay at the level you started them however.

The RR can be farmed though…

Or you can wait till you’re level 50 or re-farm the Bulwark.

Thanks everyone!

In Normal and TVHM, yes, DLC’s lock at the level you first visit. HOWEVER, killing the warrior in TVHM triggers “playthrough 2.5” the original endgame for Borderlands 2. This scales everything (Sometimes excluding the HH packs) to level 50, and you can re-farm everything at that level in preparation for UVHM.

Not the HH packs, I think. when I run the Snowman for Marcus’ Mercenary Day in TVHM it is stuck at lvl 35 or so. in UVHM it scales with you like everything else does, but not TVHM for some reason.

The HH packs came out after the original game, so GBX probably didn’t include the “2.5” code into them. I guess they didn’t see a reason to because they’re only about 3-5 hours worth of play anyway and you can only unlock the new heads and skins once per character.