I was transferring some items to one of my mules yesterday and when I dropped them from axton, instead of being on the ground for mule maya to pick up, they were gone. I checked both of our inventories, frantically looked around the area and they were gone. So, what did I lose? Cracked Sash, 2 Bees, 2 Shredifiers, purple torgue spitter that I had been farming butt stallion for a while for, purple explosive axton class mod AND worst of all … my slag pimpernel. Why did I drop them? I had picked up an OP2 slag lyuda and impressive looking maliwan slag rifle with 3.1 reload that I wanted to try and Washburn usually has some good drops so I had to make room. I honestly felt like I was going to throw up. I tried dashboarding out and came back in. No change.
I’ve lost a perfect hellfire, perfect nukem, perfect conference call, perfect heartbreaker and I’m sure some other things due to the stash not working with 2 players using the same account. Only why I’ll stop playing is if my game or all my characters get deleted.
All of those items are recoverable, which would take about as much effort as was originally put into farming them.
There are, unfortunately, a LOT of areas where loot can glitch clean through floors and walls, becoming unobtainable (unless you dashboard/alt-F4 before anything triggers a save.) Washburne Refinery is, as you have found the hard way, one of those areas. Although it’s more time consuming, I strongly recommend trading the items in future especially if you are in a place you haven’t tested for glitches first. (Grab junk items, drop them in all directions, see what happens. Repeat several times!)
All that said, I’ve had some worse things happen but I’m still playing (some would say too much). I forget which platform you’re on but, if you don’t regain the items quickly, do ask in the trade sections. Everyone who’s played for a while has had something bad happen to them, and folks around here are generally pretty understanding.
If it’s 10 years later and they still haven’t completed their PhD because of time spent playing Borderlands, then that is too much Borderlands.
I merely consider my time away from BL2/TPS a break honestly. I have too many toons going to stop playing entirely.
Sure, Fallout has priority since a few months, but I want to go back to BL soon enough again.
Also, microtransactions will make me stop playing entirely. Atleast for stuf that’s in the game, but can be gotten early with paying real cash, or no other way than coughing up some euro’s.
I still play BL1, BL2, and TPS. That is all I play, in fact. I don’t consider myself a gamer. I’m a Borderlands player. I won’t be putting time into anything else until BL3 comes out.
I lost a LOT of things over the years
Now i’m more careful: Whenever I leave something on the ground for another character, I make sure it’s always far from a save point, I make sure that my other character has picked it up before quitting, and if I have the slightest doubt that something happened, I hit the power button on my console ASAP. I also try to do everything in the middle of sanctuary, where there are few problems with the ground.
That sucks buddy.
Are you on PS3 ? I have a bunch of OP2 things, and I probably have a bee, a Torgue spitter and a slag pimpernel for you.
I don’t even understand that question
Too much … borderlands ?
the hell ?
Yeah ignore that question she’s losing her mind.
OT: since sanctuary is a common place to switch items never use the room with the fast travel, that floor is unstable.
Also, i did lose a few items unintentionally, but those all happend in BL1. I back up all my savegames on a regular basis if they are touched upon.
I still regularly dust off Morrowind. 'nuff said.
I drop for my mules ONLY in the Gold Chest room. Never had a glitch issue.
I mean I’ve never had gear fall though the floor anywhere but I’ve seen it fall though the floor there in online games.
Same as @kgk4569, Never had an issue in the station, but I have heard about it glitching for others.
Oh, it can. I’ve lost a few pieces in that damned room.
I’ll never stop playing. For me, Borderlands is a fallback series that I always go back to after playing other games. Borderlands is in my blood at this point.
[quote=“hattieinduni, post:5, topic:1544336”]How much Borderlands is too much Borderlands? I’m asking for a friend…[/quote]Ha ha!
I lost exactly one good weapon when I was first getting into the game when I started looking after backing up my own save files.
For me to stop playing of my own accord, something better would have to come along. I do hit TF2 when I want to play multiplayer, and jump to other games on occasion (usually for reminiscing or if I’m in the mood for something scary), but as FPS games are literally the only thing I play, and BL2 does FPS so much better than every other one I’ve ever played. The game is going to have to top BL2 in all of these aspects:
- More functional weapon variety
- Shields that do a lot of fun things besides tank damage (absorb, amp, spike, nova, roid, etc.)
- A functional melee system that’s more than just “punch/stab”
- Balanced (I think) elemental damage (including the slag modifier), with their nerfs/buffs against health types, explosive barrel flavors, and certain enemy flavors
- More fundamentally different enemies
- More unique maps/environments
- It’s still super funny… the NPCs are great in this.
- Fast-paced action (I love how people gave the new Doom accolades for “finally” being a “fast” game). It was a nice break, but afterwards, I couldn’t wait to get back to Pandora for some real fast-paced shooting. Unrelated: Doom may be the first game I’ve played since BL2 that had better model animation, and they did have a pretty good go at emulating some of the things found in BL2 (decent, functional weapon variety, a “build” system with the Runes, and workable melee).
- The target dummy lets you compare and test most of these different mechanics “offline”, so you can make informed decisions for gear selections.
- Jumping that actually works as a viable combat mechanic. I did like the double jump in Doom for the same reason, but how many games do this?
- Lots of vertical elements to map design. There are very few maps where I don’t have the option of getting to higher ground for a strategic (or otherwise entertaining) advantage.
- More combat variety by way of the different available skill trees across all the characters. Think about how many different things you can do in the game (even if you don’t use them yourself) are available across all the characters.
- Lots of little things (easter eggs, secret/hidden enemies and rooms, tipping Moxxi for fresh weapons, slot machines, de-limbing Loaders (which changes their battle tactics), critical damage (which you can see and don’t have to guess at), the health gate, Fight for your Life/Second Winds, Moxxi weapon health return, Claptrap’s Secret Stash/Gear Vault, Golden Chest, enemy knockback options, geysers that throw you (and enemies) in the air, no fall damage, evolving enemies, gear inspection, active environmental damage (platform crushes, trains, cliffs, Lynchwood grinders, lava/acid/water/slag pools), elementally-charged enemies imbuing other enemies with their element, enemy infighting… I’m sure I’m leaving something out )
- Structured challenges besides story missions (side missions, map challenges, BAR challenges), which can be reset repeatedly for replayability.
- Fine control of difficulty on the fly - the OP system is unparalleled for this.
- Mobs of enemies available where you can actually sink your teeth into the combat with all of these mechanics at your disposal.
- Multiple currency systems with different in-game use (Money, Eridium, Torgue Tokens, Seraph Crystals, Golden Keys)
- Vehicles that add a nice amount of combat variety to the game, both by way of vehicle type and their various weapon types (including one’s active roles as passenger in co op).
- Co op mode that (terrible random players notwithstanding), is pretty solid; good duel mechanics, co op based gear enhancements and skills, and even raid bosses for serious co op. Also, I get that character customization is a little useless in a first-person shooter where you don’t really see yourself, but it does add some zest to co op.
- TPS brings even more gameplay mechanics to the table (cryo element, varied gravity, oxygen management/vacuum, butt slamming).
BL3 is the only thing on the horizon that I think has even the remotest chance of doing all of this better than BL2 does (and I’m sure I’m forgetting some things here). If you know of another first-person shooter that does all of this in anywhere near the capacity of BL2, I’m all ears.
I must be pretty lucky for I have never lost any item I wasn’t willing to lose.
I would only stop playing if my characters got deleted. I hate levelling in this game and there is no way I would level all six characters up again without losing my mind.
Are your saves backed up? Even if they don’t get deleted, it’s possible they could get corrupted.