Compared to the EXP you get from them, to the EXP you would have gotten from just killing all the enemies. How worth it is it to level one up to God-Liath?
It’s not bad considering most of your early leveling is mission based, if you’re on the edge of leveling a God-liath is pretty helpful. They have better drop rates on rare gear and just feel good to put down as well.
But in terms of powerleveling they’re not effective time management.
I don’t mind the XP at all, what I like from leveling them up to GOD-liath is the fact that they always drop a purple item or a relic (or sometimes just few chunks of Eridium) along other items with various rarity. Very useful in early levels (the purple items, yes. Eridium, okay. the relic, not so much). So I think they are worth it.
Anyway if you are comparing the XP gain, the in game tips mentioned that Goliaths will give extra triple XP from each enemy it kills.
It’s worth doing at least once for the achievement/trophy
Yeah, I paid zero attention to the XP gain because I level them up mostly for loot. Thanks for correcting the in game tips. Funny how a lot (not a lot, but not few either) of in game tips aren’t correct.
The exact quote is:
“When a goliath kills an enemy, his XP reward increases. He triples the
XP value of the enemy he killed, then adds that value to his own XP
So in theory, YES, it is a “viable” method, it is just annoying to sit and wait (and possibly get shot at) while he levels. You could kill 3x the enemies in the same time just by save & reload methods.
Wow there’s a book like that? Is that pre-order bonus or something? Looks cool…
There’s a publisher of hint books- Prima IIRC- that did a BL2 guide/hint book a few years back. This might be from that…
Godliaths are always worth it. The XP difference is way too variable, to answer the OP’s question since Goliaths will level up after killing only a set number of enemies, not depending on if they’re BA or underleveled enemies etc.
Good examples of when to have a Godliath:
During Brick’s initiation fight in Thousand Cuts, and where there’s a wave of midget enemies for one Goliath to stomp on to level up very quickly, too.
In Frostburn Canyon, to face off against the two badass psychos which land in the player’s way up the stairs, through the cave, heading to the area where Incinerator Clayton dies.
Even if they’re not Godliaths, they distract enemies and less people shooting at the player means more time for the player to shoot back.
yep. i have quite a few of them.