I got a Krieg head from Terra called hell of an underbite. I haven’t gotten it before and it’s purple so I was wondering if it was a rare or common drop.
Purple item card implies rare (it’s one below legendary).
Okay thank you
It counts as a unique drop so basically has the same chance as the unique stuff or the hide of terra and pitchfork. I’ve got it once before.
Getting unique heads from Terra or the Bunker is very very rare. This is because their lootpool contains so many original items, and they have a set chance to drop 1 unique item, and it could be any of them.
I think they have the same chance as any given unique legendary like the Hide of Terra. But I’m not actually sure that the unique non-legendaries recieved a drop rate buff like the legendaries did.
No I think that the head drops are common because I got a head with a hide of terra
The head drops are not common. But the legendarys and heads/skins/uniques have there own pool so you can get say a head and a hide at the same time since there calculated at different times. The uniques/heads/skins have the same chance to drop as the legendarys
Someone correct me if I’m wrong
So when I got a hide and head then I got a double drop basically? Sweet!
Yes and no lol. You got 2 assigned drops from him. There just in separate loot pools. So again yes and no
Let me dream
Are you sure about this? I’m not saying you’re wrong but I was pretty sure atleast the Bnk3r had 1 loot pool and the unique heads were a part of this. You could get a; Sham, Bitch, or a unique head. I’ve farmed it hundreds of times and never gotten both a head and a legendary, and they seem to drop at about the same frequenzy.
But my information is from years ago so maybe it changed? Or are you only talking about terra?
And if so, are only the heads in a separate loot pool, or is the Teeth of terra shotgun (blue) also a part of that loot pool, the legendary one, or in a pool of its own?
I’m mainly talking about terra I don’t know if the bunker works the same way or not.
Also I think the blue unique and the heads/skins share a pool. Again I’m not 100% sure but I’ve farmed terra a lot and never had a skin/head and the teeth of terra drop in the same run. But I have had a skin and blood drop in the same run.
Terra has lots of drops. Paul Hellquist went into great detail in one of his two “Inside the Box” articles on loot, and specifically gave details on Terra. Hang on a mo…
Edit: Yeah, this one:
Getting two of his assigned drops at once is INCREDIBLY rare.
Did you notice the author of the article? Paul Hellquist. I wonder if he goes by “Hunter”, and operates a pirate radio station?
Oh yes, well-known dev reference. There was probably a compilation of them on the old forums, but they’re not really searchable anymore as only the top pages were archived. Might still be something on the wiki or reddit pages somewhere though.