What relic do you use?

Just wondering what relics people generally favor.
For me, when I started playing BL2 I was hog-wild in getting health increasing relics, I thought that increasing my health was the best thing to do. Of course, after playing a few hundred hours I realized this was not as important as I thought and started looking at others.
For me (as Maya) I generally opt for Stockpile relics. I use her primarily as a sniper/SMG Queen, and have accumulated great relics for that. My fav is a purple Stockpile that gives me 65% more sniper and SMG ammo.
Of course, in the Peak or on raid bosses I do switch to the appropriate Bone of the Ancients for cooldown and extra damage. Would still love to use my stockpile, but doesn’t work out well.
What do you use?


Both Maya and Gaige use Bones, mostly for the cooldown buff; Maya usually uses a corrosive to help with Cloud Kill, Gaige’s is shock 'cause…Shock Gaige.

Sal uses a Blood otA to boost both shotgun and pistol ammo capacity.


I don’t need stockpile relics much because I keep different weapon classes in each slot and manage my ammo that way…I use BOTA’s (or Proficiency relics when leveling) with Maya and Zer0 as they are heavily dependent on their action skills…with Krieg, you go down so much, I use tenacity relics while leveling and a Heart of the Ancients usually at max level…These are general use, obviously there’s niche stuff for bosses and raid bosses or certain areas


Usually always have a bone relic on, occasionally swap it out for a blood relic that boosts whatever ammo I’m going to be needing a lot of.


Most of my kills are done with either pistols or shotguns so 99% of the time I’m using the best Sheriff’s Badge I have…


I use a Blood of the Seraphs that regenerates health most of the time


I use a bone a good majority of the time, but there are occasions I change things up.

Deputy’s Badge almost all the time on Deputy Sal which is how I play Salvador most of the time. Sometime Axton will use it too as his primary weapon is usually a shotgun of some sort. More often though, Axton will use an explosive relic as he favors Torgue weapons.

If I’m using a Jakob’s sniper, sometimes will use an allegiance relic that calms the recoil.

Lately Zer0 has been using a Shadow of the Seraphs relic on occasion. Stacked with 2Fang and a KillerCOM it’s a 100% chance for a double shot. This turns guns like the Maggie, Bekah and Thumpson into machine guns.

That said, Zer0 still uses a shock bone most the time for the cooldown and to buff Unforseen(which I almost always spec into).


Bones for Maya, melee Zer0, Axton, Gaige, and sometimes sniper Zer0 and Hellborn Krieg. For the last two, i also do like stockpiles because they can go through a lot of ammo (especially when Zer0 is only using a sniper rifle). For Sal, bones, deputy badge or an explosive damage boosting relic, depending on how he is set up.

  • Zer0 : Bone. Otherwise Jakobs relic for my allegiance guy.
  • Gaige : shock BoA but for the damage rather than cooldown.
  • Maya : BoA or Strength relic for melee & Scorn cooldown rate.
  • Krieg : health / Blood of the A’s w/ AR, SG and/or pistol. Explosive on occasion.
  • Axton : BoA, explosive, Bandit allegiance and Jakobs allegiance.
  • Sal : Deputy’s Badge, explosive, BoA, Jakobs allegiance.

I really only play Maya, and for her, i just stick with Proficiency Relics, then upgrade to Bones at end-game. Stockpile Relics are fine, but I’ve never had any issues with ammo. Even my current Sniper Maya has no real issues with ammo, and I have run the beginning portion (pre-Sanctuary) twice. Just make sure that you loot all containers, and you should have plenty of ammo to get you by. Just make sure that you’re hitting those Crits, though.


Sure. But I’m lazy. Having 173 sniper rounds means I can just run and gun non-stop without ever thinking about ammo.


Gaige, Maya, and Axton get proficiency relics while leveling and Bones later on. Sal starts with proficiency relics and then moves to vitality/blood/or badge relic. Krieg gets vitality relics and then moves to blood or situationally appropriate elemental relics, Zer0 got vitality relics leveling and now uses bones. I guess I generally like cooldown bonuses.




Understand, and I do use a Bone on the Peak for that reason.
But in general combat and boss’ing I find Maya’s natural cool down reduction skills to be enough. Between Suspension and Quicken I get enough phase lock and a fast cool down. And when fighting something that doesn’'t lock and I’m just using PL for slagging, her PL cools down before the previous slag wears off so I’m good. Allows me to do other thing with the relic.


No arguments from this quarter. I should probably widen my repertoire a bit. But Axton and Gaige I think will always default to cooldown relics of some sort.


With Gaige, it’s almost a requirement.


FTFY. :wink:

Seriously though, unless you don’t use DT at all (which is totally possible), it’s possibly the best option for her.


Sal; sheriff’s badge with dpuhgrog, skin of the ancients, bone of the ancients
Gaige = shock bone/sheriff’s badge with fibber &no DT
Krieg = fire bone
Maya; shock/fire/corrosive bone, skin of the ancients.
Axton=nope… just nope. The only character that i left at 72.


I hardly use deathtrap at all, besides as a quick distraction when things get rough. In fact I only spare a single skill point for UR, everything else goes to gaige solely.
The cooldown bonus on my shock bone is DT’s only help from me essentially, if a bit of dubious usefulness as I’ll wait way more than a minute between summons and UR keeps him up through the fight.

  • Yes on Gaige, but while DT is a good distraction, my Mechromancers tend to carry Shock Bones to further boost the effects of the LBT tree. Shock Gaige ftw!

  • Axton carries a Blood oA boosting health, shotgun and launcher ammo. Iirc he carries 56 rockets now. That finally is an ammo pool, not an ammo puddle.

  • Maya: corrosive BoA and I’m trying out a Dahl allegiance relic I recently found.

  • Krieg: Blood oA boosting shotgun ammo

  • Sal: hangs head in shame I haven’t played Sal to the point where choosing between relics is relevant. I’ll remedy that sometime soon…

  • Zer0: alternating Jakobs allegiance relic and sniper ammo stockpile relic.

Edit: I tend to keep a Sheriff’s Badge and a Deputy’s Badge around and use those when the loadout fits. Both are rather good relics in the right circumstances