Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel - BL:TPS Discussion

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel - BL:TPS Discussion

76016 Borderlands 3 Confirmed: New Character Ideas
1642641 Strongest character builds?
1147546 What did you do in TPS during your most recent session?
1560098 TPS Unofficial Community Patch Thread
1118618 Legendary & Unique Weapons guide for The PreSequel
1639279 [GUIDE] Pre-Sequel Basics for New Players
317840 The TPS 6 - Best To Worst
135775 How many raid bosses are in TPS?
1550855 Unique SHiFT Rewards
694570 Who is the BEST and 2nd BEST Character TPS?
45401 [Guide] Basic Gun Damage Formula
1552766 The best Team Support character?
1178702 Boss element weaknesses - this post is gold
300367 Borderlands Trilogy - DLCs Best to Worst
565553 Who is Krieg? And what happened to him? Spoilers
250077 Special shift weapons
154796 Claptastic Voyage Boss
1542091 Nisha vs Aurelia For Solo Play (Resolved!)
162856 Who sang the Mainframe song from Claptastic Voyage!?!?!
336238 Legendary Shields - best to worst?
1063414 New to TPS - who are the best end game characters
241743 Increased Legendary Drop Rate Month Experiences
318948 Ultimate Angle/Handsome Jack/ Wife Deep Analyzation (Speculation
174112 UVHM in the Pre-Sequel
285476 Any hope for further TPS DLCs?
43681 [Guide] Color Codes for Build Builders
1560662 Glitch Weapons (Help)
221601 What should they do with Tiny Tina in BL3? Obligatory Spoiler Warning
283465 The Cult of Ted
1636508 Drop rates at the moment?
269265 Is the grinder the worst thing to happen to borderlands?
128106 Resetting UVHM - How?
1273098 Last Wishes for a Last Update
338938 Grinding Legendary Grenades?
208100 Season Pass and the DLC packs, is it really done?
282596 Why was Thorny Ol' Rosie Nerfed?
432415 So....are the BL2 Vault Hunters supposed to be all powerful or what?
293806 What IS The Orbatron?
170610 Best character for boss raids and single player
2355760 Why do some people dislike Borderlands The Pre-Sequel?
222406 Story of Aurelia's ice powers?
1181039 Farming EOS question
3481 [DDD Guide] Understanding the Damage formula and how to Min/Max
304031 List your 1 main from each Borderlands game and we try to decide what play style you like
357552 Sale: Buy it now for $399.99 now! Even I Can't dupe this Limited Jakobs item
214721 Has anyone beaten the mutator arena at level 9?
427341 So is the next BL going to have more "curvy" women like Athena and Aurelia?
426615 No real incentive to go on to TVHM/UVHM
1539171 Fastest Non-DLC money farming methods?
79223 BLTPS: Worst DLC Evah!
79656 Badass Rank Icon Purpose?
259674 Pre Sequel DLC Level Scaling Problems
165951 Got the omni cannon from The Sponx
1552709 What is the level cap
1562776 TPS end game tips
1546117 Stuck in The Cortex?
72133 [POLL] What do you feel is the "strongest" UVHM class?
6319 My Weapon Ideas Collection - Much ideas. So legendary. wow - Character limit per post broken - 261 Items!
131677 Backpack SDU's Patched Yet?
82812 Why Can't I Slam?
71601 Potential Action Skill and Ability predictions for Borderlands 3
354752 Rolling Thunder - any good?
1639544 About the unreleased 'Luxy's Space Adventure' dlc for TPS
51429 Which character shines in which role? Which are your favourite ones?
421786 Where is the firing range?
366228 Suggestions for BL3 in general?
1082519 Fastest way to get to level 70?
1550714 BL: TPS Scaling is ATROCIOUS
294286 Stuck in claptrap's mind!
1554025 When to start on the DLC?
54226 Dialogue skip after 1st play through would be nice
1457096 What Borderlands 3 can learn from The Presequel
333816 Your BLands plans between now and BL3?
463059 Bring Back BL1's Gun System for BL3
69979 Grinders is Bugged
41186 Best class for sniping?
304637 Give me a reason NOT to use an Eddie
321886 Claptastic Voyage scaled WAY down?
364235 Playable Character Suggestions for BL3?
1551273 Eradicate mission
358282 Sal vs Nisha... Who would win?
276573 There is a War coming...theories?
348686 Shield of Ages - What's so special?
361864 Moonstones from here on out?
1269603 Over 2 million damage legendary pistol
1122303 Why? Why Gearbox?
1169072 Is Borderlands 3 going to borrow from Destiny?
329985 Would GBX have been better off not releasing TPS?
281734 Most Broken / OP Gear Combos?
1201430 Where are the dlc campaigns?
1559322 How do the loot lockers work for l33t h4x0rz
1201537 Would Athena be called the Siren of the game?
536571 Did you have trouble with these characters? (Wilhelm and Claptrap)
1642777 Zarpadon is the stupidest boss in any BL game
2131 Petition for a test dummy
361478 Moonstone / Loyalty Guns Exploit Patched Out 5/19:2015
323605 Weapons with Health Steal?
2442 The cult of the flakker
1547411 Way too much sexual reference
1557780 Boss Farming opinions
62589 Anyone else severely disappointed that Angel was not the last playable character for presequel?
261802 Favourite (not "best") TPS main character?
277719 The Vault Hunters - Rate from Moral to Evil
250030 Simple Question: Do the Invincible Sentinel and normal Sentinel have the same drops?
94880 Drop Rates affected by difficulty?
1641934 Is the Pre-Sequel Canon?
340064 Grinder - sometimes can't grind 3 legendary oz kits?
17343 'Ol'Painful' Weapon Review!
1173494 Please Make The Machine Farmable Petition
1559485 Why angel do not have tatoos in her body (shoulder and arms) in the portrait at jack´s office?
1195506 What character should I choose? (semi-aggressive playing style)
266302 Legendary Droprates Boost - What Did I Just Reaf?
405252 Felicity glitch
38631 Possibility of 2nd level cap increase
19341 Moxxtails Discussion Thread
1217345 So who wants the Lady Fist?
1560751 How do you get the shadow trap head?
524747 What are your deal breakers for pre-ordering BL3?
451422 There is something wrong with the direction of Borderlands
251097 Adaptive Shield - Highest Elemental Resist %?
49327 Heartbreaker shotgun on Febuary
1557187 Fastest potential speed in TPS?
234639 Mystery weapon in outland spur
1108826 Mutator Arena Location
1350695 Feedback for Gearbox : TPS is not fun for me
558066 Hopefully BL3 sees the end to character based DLC
1562912 Heartbreaker shotgun
474911 Maximizing Badass Point Usage
353476 EOS guarantee legendary drops?
260295 Wow, getting from Level 60 to Level 70 is a huge slog
310534 Legendary Thingy from Iwajira?
1560200 Reset Badass Rank to zero - Starting afresh!
435584 What Borderlands TPS DLC would you create?
135510 Several problems with Sentinel fight in TVHM
280228 Question about Dr. Ted
547009 Future DLC for The Pre Sequel?
481332 I enjoy The Pre-Sequel
220892 WTH is wrong with the Devs?
9238 UVHM Inventory problem : is there a TPS bug forum somewhere please?
1559573 Tips on the grinder
339869 Can we PLEASE have Nisha and Wilhelm back for BL3?
119696 Best characer in your opinion
235625 The Villain of this Story
151107 Any Cool Glitch Weapon Finds?
298438 Quitting during end credits
56224 Now that TPS is coming to current gen, are you happy or angry?
1216750 How do I detect modded gear?
175798 Farmability problems continue
356615 Has anyone noticed how Tassiter calls Jack "Jack" when he first addresses him at the beginning of the game, but then calls him John the rest of the time?
1178182 Tales from the Borderlands Loyalty Rewards?
1287051 Gearbox can we have the Fibber for April Fools day... please
370533 Corporal Bob can corporal lick my balls
65072 Why do vehicle jumps have to be this complicated?
96691 Favorite playable character over the 3 BL games?
1650537 What issues did you have with BLTPS?
10393 Is UVHM a little too stingy on XP?
1127557 To arms - choose PLA member glitch
187045 Where's the TPS love?
322028 Fire / Corrosive in TPS
440731 Fun things to do after completing UVHM in TPS?
156943 Best Noob Character for Wife
266023 Aurelia's Race?
137023 Legendary Class Mods
307575 The Marcus / Straw / Lasers Incident
1278631 Favorite and Least favorite TPS bosses and why?
1139 Forum post menu is very limited - Please add color options in forum post menu
88647 10 new hidden achievements on steam
1263923 Tps tubby and llm
386386 Deadlift challenge
322115 TPS Elemental Showdown - Best To Worst
80175 After XXth campaign run, who's your most annoying NPC?
119971 Have so many people jumped ship?
374557 Worst skills/skill tree(s)?
706820 EOS is utter bull
1562165 Contents of moonstone chests?
1013015 Shame but same old
371762 Moonstone grinding DLC guns possible?
227557 Chest in Outlands Spur
8475 On Inclusivity and TPS/BL2/etc
371747 Motherlessboard vault symbol
366174 Lady fist & hartbreaker
297609 Gibs or no gibs for (future) Borderlands
1548485 Quick question, little time: most overpowered character?
495021 Borderlands DLC
122655 So we get 10 more levels with the Claptastic Voyage DLC
86682 Am I playing wrong?
164456 Claptastic Voyage Soundtrack
258160 I miss the Pimpernel
92405 What's your luck like when it comes to finding great loot in the Borderlands games?
1548161 Shift code rewards not working
361640 New heads with the patch?
361189 All Time Favorite BL Character?!? NPC included!
182892 Slag or cryo...opinions 15ch
83308 Have you attempted/will attempt to platinum TPS?
84124 Question concerning the known SDU bug(s)
200053 I think its a bug
314349 Handsome Jack and Angel
249563 Vault Hunters - Rank In Order of Deadliness
156880 Grinding New Glitched Guns
571196 Why no moonstone shield/grenade/oz grind?
2600940 VIP rewards question
1482921 Anyone know how to do this awsome glitch?
253421 Subconscious Framerate Drops?
296194 Still here, still here, still here, still here
260178 Should Borderlands 3 have competitive multiplayer?
85535 Chest Loot Quality?
461961 So, who really is Nurse Nina?
363702 Borderlands 3 Farming/Legendary Pool Design Suggestion
390808 Doing side missions later
308268 The grave of wizard claptrap
541837 Season pass of TPS vs Destiny's latest expansion cost
342754 Aurelia vs Bosses
692009 What character has the fastest combat style?
357526 Immunity Shields Usefulness?
88344 Out of BL1, TPS, and BL2, which game did you spend the most time on?
339782 How many levels for guns before under-leveled, rule of thumb?
320554 BL:TPS is no longer on Steams top 100 play list
348372 Hyperion after Jack's Demise
1540297 I can't even hurt deadlift!? UVHM
164361 New legendaries meganade and thunderfire drop location
1712808 Grinding for a Flayer
263496 5h4d0w-tp Theory
1540621 Weapons Disappearing from Backpack?
288911 Jack or Aurelia Elemental?
138359 Starting level range in new dlc?
1748767 How to stay alive in UVHM?
350017 EOS/Eclipse Battle Glitch HELP QUICK PLEASE!
429563 Sirens, Eridians, Guardians, Seraphs and Vaults Data Collection
377100 Grinder Theories
262460 Best Mobbing Areas in TPS
311180 Planets Mentioned In TPS
694747 Silly question. playthrough 2.0 and 2.5
1485383 In regards to the legendary IVF
281690 2 Oranges + Purple Grenade = Orange Grenade?
368700 Glitch Preference?
380925 It's Borderlands break time :-(
144679 Is Claptrap campaign DLC is playable on normal mode?
382785 Post level 50 xp needs to be buffed?
175151 Is there ANY skin/head codes for borderlands TPS
304163 Borderlands Best In Show
589374 Finally picked up TPS after hundreds of hours in BL2: Who to play as?
386830 Alternative to farming Iwajira for a Thingy
441448 #PandoraPride skins petition
1131585 A Christmas wish for a Christmas event, because...Christmas
322638 The state of The Pre-Sequel
93238 It's quieter than the Arid Badlands in here... where the hell is this last DLC already?
213138 Gearbox fixed the celestial fragtrap mod! when did that happen?
147 About the BL:TPS - General Discussion category
144738 BL:tPS! Claptastic Voyage Pre-Emptive Anguish Bingo Card (BETA)
307550 Same Clappy in all 3 Borderlands?
668381 Cult of the Moonscaper
1370652 About Thingy rocket luncher
495941 What is the best skill in TPS?
368718 Heartfull Splodger
339571 Robolution VS Claptastic Voyage Storyline Question
317948 The TPS Vault Hunters Get Shafted!
533 BL:TPS! Pre-Emptive Anguish Bingo Card! (BETA)
147849 Is there a problem with part 2 of the Claptrap dlc?
670606 Not a single match for mulitplayer- Anyone still play this game?
582390 Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel and Borderlands 2 release dates for Shield Android TV?
310163 Inhabiting the taint', dinks in the wire or just bats in the P. bellfry
214882 About bulk selling gear
904 Trust Level for old timers
1484833 Boxxy's gun & Party line. Any use?
1118287 "Kill Meg" optional mission - UVHM, using Wilhelm
60576 Loot The World for The Pre Sequel?
1072208 Please GBX, fix the Lag and Crashing
284946 Easiest/Most Noob Friendly Toon?
159977 Does re-spawnable mini bosses fix one time encounters?
508345 Looking for Grinder Recipes
61837 DLC Announcement, campaign tease and farmable bosses - PAX South
1561072 Excalibastard Question
357659 Just can't stop playing with my Flakker!
1449510 Level cap for each play mode
416062 Why am I getting free Claptrap heads without doing anything
14154 Favourite TPS Character?
1553768 Claptastic Voyage doesn't scale at end of tvhm?
180670 Im stuck in Deck 13 1/2 and i cant get out, help
1325435 Multiplayer Lag Issues?
10822 Dem Legends doe! (Legendary Items idea list)
1640711 BL The Pre-Sequel?
259503 TVHM - Scaling, the quests are to low level
67100 How do you get these class mods?
367364 Sum of Some Fears Rewards?
1555109 Glitched story mission
367444 ARGH! Clappy DLC Ending!
222138 Say it with me, "Torgue"
376055 Bring back proficiencies?
219355 Deck 13 1/2 missing from my fast travel
127601 Please Discount the BL: TPS Season Pass on the 360
1264822 The White Challenge in TPS
67540 "Nothing Is Never An Option" Bugged
1153025 Is the gate to get to Red Belly glitched?
444295 [Possible Spoilers] Where will Borderlands 3 take place?
128896 Old gen cost vs handsome collection & misc other complaints
36435 WilTank vs Tanktrap
79950 No Valentines Day Event?
41644 Is it cold on Elpis?
541988 Outleveling Content in TVHM
1262442 Help me chose a character
2871 A nitpicky petition
204779 Can you transfer game saves/Characters from console to pc?
385273 Okay legendary ideas
1556101 Issue completing a mission
335958 Grinder resipes luck cannon
286765 Wishlist for future games!
519960 Most effective builds for mobbing
75986 What are shugaraths?
702542 Strongest Chronicler of Elpis?
6491 Excalibastard easter egg within an easter egg
231078 Stuck in the Nexus lvl 7
355775 Randomly disappearing inventory items...?
1989660 Perdy Lights, what is it?
650546 Will Deadlift return this Halloween? I need a better Jack-O-Cannon, do you?
1551170 Laser grind help
368625 Most versatile character?
1184153 Where to farm for the ivf?
676948 Welp, rest in peace Pre-Sequel
1547287 Tassiter had great potential as a major villian
1547600 Abandoned training facility
251546 Glitches Weapons In The Grinder?
306969 I cant find my wilhelm lvl50 in the character select menu
263774 TPS Quote to Quote Conversation
336444 Stuck at "Sending Character Data To Host"
30357 Typecast players
368671 Toons in each game?
351874 TVHM not taking claptrap dlc into account (underleveled)
347991 Grinding a Flayer Help!
298152 The Jack Betrayal Conspiracy
1216606 I don't know why am I thinking about this, but we should make a petition about Luxy's Space Adventure DLC. I
348509 I once buttslammed so hard I
169221 Still so quiet here even with new releases
65247 Anyone else notice the claptrps in Jack's office?
256256 The Mutator Arena is amazing!
392172 I'm level 70 - why are 90% of the items on vending machines lvl 68
265634 Redeemables in the SHIFT Repository
350550 System Shutdown glitched? Can't complete mission?!?!
1012716 Former BL2 player, thinking of getting the Handsome collection, had some questions
310542 What's your biggest pleasant surprise in BL?
470318 BL: TPS - Potential DLC
1270700 GUYS! How's everyone doing?
1553591 Fatale vs transmurdera?
372077 Making EOS / Eclipse MUCH Easier
1555231 Boss Farming Options?
1530449 Borderlands pre sequel need someone to mod me to 70
572818 Enter The Claptrap DLC Reentry
1556252 SHD0-TP, such a--- ***** to get!
124550 Evolved enemy type in Claptastic?
1557678 Borderlands TPS loot hunt?
334435 Missed Opportunities for Raids
1645053 Those 40moonstone chests are such a scam
1014433 Was Aurelia really on Elpis?
129237 Making That Endgame Money?
1092125 Do Ultimate Badass Glitches still drop Luck Cannons?
1538273 Missing redeemed keys and skins
342175 In honour of the Bullpups
363213 Homewrecker :-(
348733 Eclipse / EOS re-fightable?
592001 Is claptrap actually a girl?
2735712 Most powerful in UVHM?
578568 The Heros of this Story! (Jack/Nisha/Wilhelm)
1230603 Long term End Game - resetting UVHM, prestige, unequipping best gear, ascending
1345138 Help Guyz about Omni-cannon
342786 What the flak ?!?
171564 System Shutdown mission Bug
1631214 Trouble with Follow Your Heart Solo Nisha Level 6 on PC
1326152 Today, I managed to enter the Sentinel's arena on FFYL, with no enemies involved. Guess how
325231 Lady Fist in TPS?
295896 Favourite Battle Zones?
373761 CU5TM-TP Permanently Dead?
1155622 Electricity sound when i kill enemies and won't stop in pre-sequel?
143353 Is it a deal breaker?
137766 Cross save problem
162350 Are the level cap increases mandatory for the Pre Sequel?
82135 Shame on you 2K AUSTRALIA
126544 10 more levels? I don't get it
350133 How often does EOS glitch?
203629 Problem with chests in the mutator arena
502822 UVHM reset bug (xp)?
158700 Started Claptastic DLC.. at level 17,,,, now really stuck
56687 Loyalty Weapons Bug Fixed?
28802 Possibly not gonna be around
303857 It's A Fair Cop Glitched As Well?
1076606 Cant get out of moonshot container to serenitys waste UVHM
355060 Borderlands 3 at E3 this year?
311166 About paid mods on steam and borderlands sdk
344984 Unknown mission listed in the echo device! WTH?!
331706 hacked?
1640325 E-Gun question about scaling
161580 What's a SpyBug?
350882 Drop Rates still Increased after 5/13?
1455707 Stuck in Pyroclast Grotto (Iwajira) with no geyser
1557497 Borderlands 3 Original Character Ideas
148505 This one is for you @Chuck80 - We have Test Dummy!
306668 New Vault Hunter ideas
1547277 Are the shields broken like in Borderlands 2?
404601 As a Borderlands fan I wish Battleborn the best of luck
44589 Can Someone Explain BL:TPS Terms to Me Please?
1271 Is there a problem?
1979841 Authenticating with Gearbox Software Shift Problem PS3
1560701 Voice Acting (Good/Bad)
1642503 Can you guys help me pick a character?
1243608 A fan forum I made
305631 So how fond are you of the Scavs?
127240 Any Word on Tubbys for the new DLC?
1373856 Ol painful in shop?
79836 Is there a problem with the 3 purple moonstone grinding
1287879 Borderlands fun challlenge run ideas
85738 Drives for Miles challenge
1218372 An idea for how to add "The fall of New Haven" to Borderlands 3
1490634 UVHM White only gear / build
127129 Create a class mod to be released along side the 4th dlc
83568 The True Best Shot of Pandora/Borderlands Series
293698 Nisha - Showdown with Too Scoops?
338817 Does UVHM reset also reset DLCs? (Claptastic & Holodome?)
256933 Did the Eridian Vault Symbol save Jack?
696773 Skin Bug - Nisha
1545990 New Characters in BL3
129892 Monetary Values of Action Skill Items?
56619 What's this logo that appears in the lunar station?
467498 What happened to the BL1 VHs' motives?
1543979 Gortys in the Presequel
365098 9 gig update? Hope this is the right place!
347215 Rerouter Shield
110558 One thing they got right in TPS
260525 PLS help to get rid of a stuck mission weapon! (PS4)
5503 Oscar in trin flatts
137005 Why the weapons need to be part of the story?
342717 Analyze This! (Glitched weapon question)
123775 If the VHs on BL2 were playable, who would transition best?
375138 Iwa's Loot Drop Amount Reduced?
288393 We need all the Vault Hunters we can get...?
279887 Cant re enter the motherless board
250714 Is Level 70 too powerful?
320671 Legendary Drop Increase still?
427049 Ideal playthrought (?)
350508 My theory about EOS Glitching
478797 Tales from the borderlands, complete season. Unlocks?
516232 Trade Forum Etiquette?
1141800 Returning after a year's hiatus, few questions
308190 Nurse Nina Vladof - Speculations?
1963203 Moxxi wepon in bl tps
144801 TVHM DLC Scaling Question
365795 Clappy DLC - Pancake / No Pancake?
71502 Forever alone Event coming!
1428461 Plz gearbox continue tps development
1318210 Ultimate Edition on Disc?
4472443 Why cant I get my redeem code for my SHIFT key?
377815 I'm back and I didn't die
1153521 Avalanche drop from odjurymur
199404 Resolution Bug? Please Help!
1562186 TPS Grenade equivalent?
139154 Notification/ringtone/alarm sounds?
1547888 Questions about loyalty rewards
1183438 Next Game is Centered Around Nurse Nina and the Vladof Corporation?
446960 A little cheap?
1545201 Borderlands TPS is game unfriendly towards males
1534314 2 Cl4p-Leks? Known or Not?
257290 Storage as it relates to other games
359640 Assault Rifile Challenge playthrough
15311 Raid Boss Ideas: Update, Gruff McGrufferson the Invincible added
7748 The BL:TPS DLC not working with season pass
382893 Your likes and dislikes about the Borderlands titles?
1624910 Bloody buggy game
413799 COMPLETE item wipe
94434 This game just keeps getting stranger and stranger
1530509 Grille of the trickster head?
377497 Shield of Ages - Best in Game?
356069 UVHM leveling title 15 characters
516606 Ammo Regeneration Values
1089118 How often does shadow trap and EOS drop their Legendaries?
1120 Well, this is neat
1559501 Having issues locating specific sound file / File Extraction help
1549799 Loyalty rewards Borderlands the pre-sequel
1184768 Locked out of Titan Facility Chests after Boss
149134 Need more for Raids, Trades, EXPLOOOOSSSIOONS? Check out
498288 Unreadable disc
19565 Regarding Badass Challenges
358172 The Most Under-Rated Things in the Game!
231010 Borderlands The Pre-Sequel: Quest experience bug/glitch?
1159641 Why don't Shift keys work
145562 Exact Release Hour of DLC for NA?
1768962 Shadow Trap Heads
374984 Heads / skins list for each character?
338451 EOS & Eclipse Weakness
1561141 Just ordered TPS
1550036 Can't play anymore?
4557011 A guide for people who struggle in UVHM
250288 Post your current main's gameplay time and their loadout!
1077615 Meeting "Ex-Vault Hunters" Roland and Lilith
162744 What is your most satisfying moment when playing with each character?
1159375 Problem early in the game, pls HELP?
376058 New weapon / gear types?
218341 How do I activate claptraps dlc?
1252466 Nisha's order stack problem
538447 Question about Eos legendaries
90381 After XXth campaign run how about your FAV NPC?
1292772 [Help] Choosing Character
456506 How Many Skins and Heads Per Character?
271399 Lost Backpack Items
4543000 Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel should be the next VR game
143789 Thoughts on heirloom gear in borderlands
367757 Lost all my Golden Keys
1549793 New character. Going to 70
590541 Borderlands 3 release
64554 Anyone else having Compatibility Pack issues?
391639 Have They Improved The Game Since November 2014?
126675 I hope the final DLC is hotter than Elli's moist undercarraige
367866 Versatile Characters
416172 Want to know if anyone tested drop rates on claptastic
279987 Claptrap in Smash Bros
515863 Speed runs - using "legit" methods
175247 What challenges give customizations?
301726 Ideas for borderlands 3 (weapon/gear crafting & upgrading)
341098 Who do you think has the most effective slams?
184230 Ninas last name
300305 Which character should I be?
280980 Parts Guide for weapons
348938 Head/Skin Drops need a change!
1551651 Excalibastard 2500 badass points
1866255 Story chronology
1483239 Could you guys add support for BL:TPS on shield tablets?
347966 Events In Tycho's Ribs
90458 What's with Claptrap?
304091 Marcus Nina Ted & the Manufacturers
1251266 What exactly is powerlevelling?
340648 Cannon / Torpedo assault rifles no damage?
1077368 Any plans on fixing boomer?
89919 New Grinder info
155446 An Important Message To Everyone At Gearbox, 2K Australia, And The Borderlands Community
290739 Sham Shield Questions
86938 Boss unlock update
4548209 How to obtain Frostfire in PreSequel in UVHM if possible on PS4 without mods
288327 Every Legendary in Claptastic Voyage DLC
358120 The Single Best!
1217603 I can finally start my farming since the update~
389816 The Joys Of Grinding As A Fragtrap
86198 Vault Hunter Heads and Skins threads
370532 TVHM Level Scaling Update
64909 Wth happened to this place?
388016 Shadow Trap Solo in Mutator Arena Level 9 - Video
349845 I hate shuggaraths
63030 Do you think Pearlescents will be added?
2259204 AI Cheating garbage
527491 Best Dahl weapon wielder?
326329 So amazing It's Clappy
496330 About next BL, Wish to see more difference VHs
1080935 Need epic music to play during boss fights
268607 How to deal Rainbow elemental damage
1300388 BL TPS Ultimate Vault Hunter Upgrade Pack 2
370248 Incendiary Damage Question
2884253 "Dook" markers on Outlands Canyon map?
1552728 Claptrap and stairs
22926 How are you progressing from 50 to 60?
290234 Took a bit of a break from TPS, whats new?
1552989 Tps gameplay questions?!
332286 TPS Monster Questions & Theories?
342851 Doppelganger Shield Question
158976 Claptrap DLC freezing for no good reason PS3
1518007 Red Text Weapons Merged with Their Brand Counterparts?
461189 Choose a new player
582969 Wait...can NPC Jack kill enemies?
4179851 Shadow-TP 2nd set of head drops (Trickster heads)
157229 Eclipse Problems?
148904 TFTB weapons : redeem only once ? once per character ? per pt?
1544625 Borderlands pre sequel
398171 Abouts DLC deactivation
1343816 Cosmo wishbone mission song
375004 Funnest Character to take from 50-70?
384586 A true story about a grandma
348461 Wilhelm's Action Skill Dialogue
1816998 How many times can I redeem Shift Rewards?
304017 What if we had Vendors specific for all Manufacturers as a normal thing?
1559572 Sould I have bought this shottie?
366105 Awwww the Clappy Song!
396277 The Once and Future Gearbox
3006604 Je n'arrive pas récupérer mes clefs VIP
1902396 "I Wonder Who Tiffany Was?" ~Tiny Tina - circa sometime after Borderlands 2
3032930 Customer support/zendesk
361453 Time to live in Denial and get our farm on! Share what drops you've gotten!
353927 Clappy DLC - Overlook Missing Mission?
1554681 Glitch? Maybe. more words
150838 Fast Travel stations disabled in Claptrap DLC
1641667 Removing UVHM? (without losing content)
3058972 What is this missile thing?
2824214 Another big disappointment
348353 The Grinder + Holodome + Clappy Legendary Gear
1561726 Alright I'm confused
1501242 What do you do for fun?
342087 Tales from the Borderlands Weapons Questions
518737 TPS: what the f#ck happened to DLC & Loot?
582748 Help with BL 1 Loyalty Award
220947 Having issues with network settings
1857906 Longnail + Systems Purge vs Eclipse/EOS
356345 What could the "other -ane" be?
373528 EOS/Mutator Level Scaling in PT 2.5?
2871035 Grinding flayer
478142 Different loot for different classes?
77009 Skill Points Reset - XBox only or issue for all platforms?
1557866 Are these still in this game