The real potential for this DLC is that it can be pretty much anything so it can provide a lot of variety and also can seriously change the way the game is played. It won’t feel like a long journey that Dragon Keep was but rather it will most likely be a DLC that you can jump in anywhere are replay without regard to a real story. I watched the sample of gameplay several times and each time I watched it, the concept grew on me more. I hope this is the change the game needs to keep me playing for longer.
ive played TTAoDK 2 in the past 2 weeks and the other BL2 DLC’s as well. it is shorter than people seem to remember. Rose colored glasses i guess. other than that i agree with you!
The good thing about TTAoDK is that it was quite an engaging DLC which made it feel longer than it is. I have run through it a number of times and I still find it quite captivating. I was the same with Zombie Island on BL1 and Knoxx in BL1 also. When a DLC is done right it seems to be much bigger and better because you take more time with it.
you raise a good point and i agree but what i said is true. i loved TTAoDK and most of the main DLC for BL2 to be clear! so i hope that this dlc is just as engaging and moist!
I hope it’s amazing. For me TPS needs something to push it into the realm of greatness and I hope this is it (along with the boss respawning patch). We’ll find out soon enough.
TTAoDK doesnt seem as long or good as people made it out to be.
TTAoDK has good atmosphere and interesting content and to me this is more important than length. If I am enjoying the world I am not necessarily racing through it, I am taking my time and smelling the roses. If it is done well the I will want to play it again, if it is not I generally won’t bother with it. I got a lot of value out of Knoxx, Zombie Island, and TTAoDK the rest have their strengths and weaknesses but overall once I had played them I rarely returned to play them again and when I did it generally reaffirmed my initial impressions. I am getting a good vibe from what I have see from DLC4 and I hope becomes one of my best of’s in the series. Time will tell. Not long to wait now.
I agree 100%, not just in add ons but in full games too. Story and content is much more important then length or for the most part graphics (these are just icing on the cake). If the game has amazing story and content it is more enjoyable to me and therefore I spend more time on it. This is why I prefer RPGs, too many games now seem to be focused on competitive multiplayer. Just give me a good story and throw in co-op capabilities and you have sparked my interest. If they were to add co-op to Elderscrolls (not MMO but like 4-6 players playing in a game like Oblivion or Skyrim) or Fallout games they would be more amazing than what they already are. I applaud the Gearbox team in continually providing this.
This is why I am so passionate about this game. It really focuses well on the things I am missing from all other games. Other games certainly are good but the blend is what I love in Borderlands, especially the first game. The mechanics and skills of the second and third games are much better, enemies are more varied and less stupid in their actions however the first game was the right blend of style, mood, pace, action, loot, interest, humour and simplicity (weapon proficiencies were so nice). It had bugs like scaling and so on and poor ending but all in all it was a really pleasant do as you please game where you could take it at your own pace and were not punished to hard if you sucked at it. The second and third games are great too but seem to be moving to more mainstream styles, we need a quirky original twist to BL3 that is more akin to how they shook up the industry with BL1. I know they can do it because when they put their minds to it they can do some really stellar stuff but also it seems they are pressured to put in bells and whistles that are marketing fluff. I don’t play hardly any games but I am passionate about this one and if this one takes too many turns for the worse then I will probably give up gaming. Come on Gearbox give us your best, you can do it!
Yeah, but this is commonplace, they need to add the bells and whistles. Marketing is kind of a necessity if you want to do well in any industry.
my hopes are that it has the “atmosphere” of TTAoDK and is a bit “longer” (more missions/bosses). and well said you guys!
I have the season pass and I beat the DLC on all 6 of the characters #NoLife, the Claptastic Voyage really was Claptastic it was one of the best dlc add-ons I’ve played. I love the random, funny commentary and the new glitched weapons they are so awesome! They can be a shotgun but also be a smg, assault rife, and a sniper! Its just flat out a great DLC w/ great loot and lots of fun.