Should Borderlands 3 have competitive multiplayer?

If they stick to the 6 playable vault hunters maybe they could make a free for all game. Or maybe 3 vs 3. It would be cool to be able to bring in any gear you’ve gotten outside of the multiplayer. Of course that would require some heavy balancing, but I don’t know, just something I thought about.

Realistically I don’t think they would, and I would be totally fine with that. But, still, it would be interesting to see. What do you all think?

If you have tried dueling in Bl2, you know that isn’t going to happen. All duels come down to which Zer0 is specced more points into Velocity, so your one hit kill bullets hit them first. Or who is playing as Athena.

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This why not. I’d rather they focus on wacky and fun guns and skills. There’s QQ about balance even now, without PvP.

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The coop players are slim anyways, I would be worried PvP would ruin the coop play.

However some maps do beg for some good ol’ capture the flag PvP. That would require more than 4 players to make it really team PvP.

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I honestly don’t understand the point of dueling in BL2.
I’d much prefer an enhanced system of BL1’s arenas.

I feel very strongly about this. No, there should not be competitive multiplayer. There are very few games with cooperative play only (Gears of War comes to mind) and I think it would ruin the game if not the franchise if it was changed.

Jolly cooperation is by far the better online experience. This is solely my opinion though.

thank you for asking


Yep, if you’re making a PvP game, dedicate everything to that. People who enjoy PvP will seek those games out anyway, and a game like borderlands is liked for other things.

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no thanks,


Or if they do then only if it doesn’t affect the balancing of the classes in solo or coop. Even if that means that the classes are different in PvP than in PvE.

Also, I don’t want them distracted from making the normal game.

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No. I wouldn’t want them to waste resources on PvP.


I’d love to see some mission(s) where you fight an AI team in capture the flag. But no PvP please. It ruins Destiny for me.

Nope. Plenty of games designed for that exist, do not need another. That balancing would destroy a big part of what makes Borderlands what it is.


Yes! I would love pvp, group raids.
After you beat the game there is really no point to continue because the gear and weapons you get are just upgrades but what’s the point? If you have the best gear and weapons in a game that has no benefits of having those items why play again?
Reach level cap have all the beat items ok your topn can’t use it to fight other people or help with taking down new bosses.
I know all my friends would love to be able to hunt for better gear and weapons and use that gear in some type of online pvp mode.
Such as capture the flag, run n gun, some type of coop big raid.
A game does not have to be all offline or all online. They could even release the game first and then later as a bonus release online competitive mode for those that would like to fight and use their awesome gear. And release raids make us have a reason to want to get the best gear and temp to show off, to others.
I mean I can play just the campaign get all good lot and play it over again but playing exact same campaign with just a lvl increase and high lvl weapons is slightly boring to me.
I love borderlands. I own all the games on multiple platforms. It’s one of my favorite art styles, and shooters. But I feel it’s just missing that little bit.
Sorry for long post just wanted to,share my opinion.

Hell no. They have Battleborn for PVP. I’d hope Borderlands will continue to be SP/PVE


No. It introduces balance issues, and draws away money and time from developing extensive PVE replay value.

This, from someone who has historically favored pvp.


Have you tried dueling in Bl2/TPS? Every fight is decided on who’s bullets are faster. Or who is playing as Athena/Maya

Ah, should have read the whole thing first. At least my overall opinions on the matter haven’t changed much.

It is either fun killing random critters/bandits or fun killing players. There is no middle ground with the games that do try to maintain a balance always entering what I like to call Balance Hell.

Right now there is Battleborn which leans more towards team gameplay and if they make another game that is even more PvP oriented more power to them but I want PvP to barely be a blip on the radar in the Borderlands franchise.


One look at the BB forum is enough to turn me off PVP forever - nerf this, nerf that, nerf all the things!
If they make the PVP component more than it is now, well I’ll just find something else to do with my time.

No. It will be infested with trolls who have 2147483647 BAR.

If they really wanted to, sure they could. Would probably take a lot of time and money for those balancing issues. But it would add something new.

Or they could say screw it and hastily toss it in. I would never use it, Borderlands has never been a PvP game to me, it’s co-op. That, and it’d almost certainly be broken to hell, or be a massive base breaker.

Rampant cheating (you know what I’m talking about), bitch tactics (toss grenades so they detonate right as the round starts, fuck guns use rocket launchers and those are just the ones I would do) or everyone only uses the one character who clearly has the best PvP skill set. Then everyone hates that one character and anyone who uses that character would likely get kicked out of normal co-op mode out of spite.

Then everyone hates everyone, just like in real life, despite the fact that we play Borderlands to get away from all that crap. Slippery slope? Maybe.