ARGH! Clappy DLC Ending!

I love it.

I hate it.

It makes me upset and angry and sad.


It’s so good.

It’s Borderlands storytelling at its best.

You work so hard to complete an amazing DLC just to witness Clappy’s entire product line (minus our Hero) get wiped out by that a**hole you love to hate Jack.

The music and pacing are beautiful and amazing.

Especially poignant if you’re playing AS Clappy.

But man, it makes me HATE the TPS VHs (minus Clappy) for sitting back and letting Jack do it.


Excellent work, Gearbox, thanks again!

Athena shakes her head in disappointment. Aurelia and Tim weren’t there, so we don’t know their reactions. Though Tim is ok, and Aurelia refers to herself as a stone-cold bitch, so it’s safe to assume how they’d react.
Also, new-founded respect for Hammerlock, for saving Claptrap.

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Yeah, i guess we never technically knew that Hammerlock had SAVED Clappy until the end of this DLC; just that they lived near each other and knew of each others existence.

It was said in BL TPS, in the ending that Hammerlock saved Clappy. Check the ending pictures. It shows Clappy being happy with Hamerlock touching his wheel, after that it shows Clappy near the blowing up train in Windshear Waste.

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Oh yeah!

Good observation!

Who was that being helped in/out of a rocket in one of the pictures? I’d initially thought it was Athena leaving Elpis but, on second look, I wasn’t so sure. If it wasn’t Athena/Hammerlock, my second guess would be Lilith/Roland returning to Pandora?

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It’s Athena and Janey Springs. They’re both saying goodbye to each other, then Athena climbing the rocket.

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Ah! Makes sense.

I believe that Aurelia and Athena both disagree with destroying Claptrap’s product line.
You can hear Aurelia say “Sorry” after claptrap gets mad at the arena entrance.

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[quote=“totocar2001, post:7, topic:367444, full:true”]It’s Athena and Janey Springs. They’re both saying goodbye to each other, then Athena climbing the rocket.[/quote]I thought it was Athena returning to Janey to live happily ever after, but what you say makes more sense (this is more likely the flight Athena takes to Pandora where she is subsequently captured by Brick and Mordecai).

Why did Athena go to Pandora, anyway?

Maybe she was sick of moon :smiley: Or, she wanted to get some new job there :smiley:

It’s her “home” I think.

Thought it was the best ending of any videogame I ever played. As a fan of Opera, the song was perfect. I assumed all the Vault Hunters would be happy Claptraps were gone, they were a lethal nuisance.

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Anyone have a link to the song at the end? The Opera one, not the Clappie one.

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I have, since it gave me copyright on youtube :smiley:

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High praise indeed! I can’t think of a better one in recent memory!


Awesome, thanks!

Thank you!

That ending was gold. The series sure likes making you feel like a dick in the employ of Handsome Jack. You know the writing is ace when it stirs emotions!

Oddly the murder of the Merrif didn’t bother me much, as he did attempt to murder Jack, but then it just kept building up. I felt sad with Felicities betrayal. Then “holy sheeet what wow…” when the Scientists get air-locked. You see Jacks ■■■■■■■ evolve when he kills Zarpadon, declaring her other rambles “boring”. Tassadar then gets easily thrown away like garbage. The guy was a dick, but an even bigger dick took over! Then witnessing the genocide of the Claptrap line was the icing on the cake (And I totally guessed that was going to happen at the end!).

All the crap Claptrap has gone though and that robot is still semi sane with a positive attitude. Maybe its the advantage of being a machine, for a human going though all that, you would most defiantly crack.

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Great post!

Although, I have to (slightly!) disagree…

I think it was/is Clappy’s very humanity that kept him able to survive and adapt and stay sane / continue to have faith in the innate goodness of everyone he meets (even if that faith is repeatedly proved terribly misplaced) rather than degenerate into a murderous, vengeance-on-humans machine like Shadowtrap.

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I actually knew about Claptrap genocide.

Jack says “I probably should keep this for later, but, the first thing you’ll see when I get that H-Source is the stupid look on that Claptrap’s face”

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