What is the mission where Fekicity re-aooears andcwhere do you sctivate it dtim?
To get Fekitcity’s aooears’ you just defeat Dtim with the Andcwhere!
Typo teasing aside, I believe you have to complete the missions from ED and Ego-TP in the Nexus to make Super Ego TP appear. He gives the quest.
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Much thanks!
Complete 3GO-TP, then 5UP4-3G0-TP will appear.
That mission is weird. I couldn’t understand it…
Though, Jack’s reply is hilarious.
“Those who killed Felicity must pay back for what they’ve done, right?”
“Uh… I… uh, I dunno. I am just an actor. Maybe talk to my booking agent?”
Oh. But what did Felicity mean with: “You had your chance”?
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