Hey everyone,
Ive seen a lot of great ideas on these forums. Some of those ideas more recently have been about borderlands 3 characters. Have you had an idea about a pre sequel dlc? Post it here!!!
Hey everyone,
Ive seen a lot of great ideas on these forums. Some of those ideas more recently have been about borderlands 3 characters. Have you had an idea about a pre sequel dlc? Post it here!!!
Well, I liked the unused vacation one a lot, but this one would have to be before the Claptrap destruction of Claptastic Voyage.
I’d say probably a search for Atlas Tech, or clearing out Lynchwood, or some kind of huge DAHL project abandoned on Elpis (Like Atlas’s Gorty Project in Tales from the Borderlands).
I mostly want to see pearlescents again, even thought that sadly won’t happen unless Gearbox is feeling super generous. I’d also want to see the pearlescents not be a useless (Cough Wanderlust Cough).
Dr. Ted campaign + DLC character Dr. Ted with the campaign.
What if Dr. Ted was actually Dr. TEDiore? And he actually founded Tediore? No? Okay, bad theory…
Hey guys just aomething I was writing up the other day.
Scene (Sanctuary)
Pickle: Tina look at what I scavenged. This ole rifle must be worth a fortune! I just need someone to take it off meee hands.
Tina: Only one guy I know. All sales final and I wouldnt try to negotiate. This man is hairy scary and all kinds of tough. Follow me.
Scene (Enter Marcus shop)
Sound of tools crashing to the floor. Guns spread across the counter. Clutter fills the shop.
Tina: Hey Marcus! Ive got a surprise for you!
Marcus: Tina you rascle whos your friend?
Pickle: Im pickle the best scavenger elpis or pandora has ever known.
Marcus: A squirt like you huh? Have anything for me to sale?
Tina: As a matter of fact he does. Show him Pickle!
Pickle removes a bag tied to his back and unveils a 1st generation vladof shredifier with an unknown elemental effect. Eridian markings color this legendary weapon. As pickle turns the weapon to show Marcus it reflects the light in the room and blinds them all.
Pickler: There you go mister. Found this ole piece in virago solitude. It was near some pieces of the jet the vault hunters destroyed while working for jack.
Marcus: Its been many years since ive encountered anything like this. Only one man I know had a rifle like this. I have a chest of loot and its all yours pickle.
Tina: Who was the man? Tell us the story Marcus? Tell us stories Marcus! I wanna hear about the bad ass who wielded a weapon like this!
Pickle: Me too Marcus!
Marcus: I know very little of this bad ass and that story would be short. I will tell you what I know, but I have a much better story during the time your vault hunters helped jack.
Marcus: The man who wielded this weapon bore two sons from two women. My mother was one and a vault hunter we saw betrayed by jack was the other. Both of us mercenaries as was our father. How he lost his weapon I no nothing of.
Willhelm was once a young boy plagued with a disease of the bones. Pale and brittle Willhelm had very little hope that he would grow to be a man. Willhelms own mother began to stop caring for him after years that had worn her down. One evening the man wielding the very weapon you hold appeared. With him was a band of slaves and a caravan of treasures we all can only imagine. The very next day surgeons replaced a significant portion of his skeletal structure with advanced robotic parts.
This, this is where his story begins. A few months pass since Willhelm was given a second chance. In this same time he had grown stronger then all the grown men in his town. So much stronger that local crime organizations were asking for his help. They gave him all he could ask for, but he showed little loyalty to their cause. Willhelm was only ever been motivated by two things. Riches to fuel his desires and power to protect them. What cured willhelm from his disease was a new sickness.
Story Transitions
Scene (A massive interplanetary vessel is covered in darkeness as it holds position on the farside of the elpis moon)
Unknown character: Betrayed. My only Brother, the last blood in my family gone. Jack, Handsome Jack you will perish. Helios, Elpis and Pandora will be dust. This power I once envisioned could help this universe will be your demise.
Handsome jack screams as doctors remove remaining parts of his burned face. Seconds later Handsome Jack laughs in a sick demented way.
Handsome Jack: Let me look before you finish. I want to see me without my face. So beautiful, so clean and yet so me. Grandma, do you like? Isnt this what you always wanted…
Surgeon interupts.
Surgeon: Sir, the anistesia is about to kick in. To successfully finish this surgery you’ll have to be fully sedated. Please rest we’ll have you back to new in no time.
Handsome Jack: Are my vault hunters here to protect me. I will not die in my sleep, where is Willhelm.
Willhelm enters
Willhelm: Jack, Handsome Jack we have this station on complete lock down.
Emergency ship protocols go off.
Intercom and ship communications are hacked. Message is received.
Unknown man (in complete darkenss): Jack, oh jacky boy are you there? I just want you to know that you will soon be dead.
(Handsome Jack is slowly losing conciousness as the drugs take effect)
Handsome Jack: Who. Are. You?
A light turns on in the room where the transmission originates. A man with dark shaggy hair wearing fred flinstones shirt appears.
Unknown man: My name is professor Sadrock. I am an inventor and astrophysicist. Jack, I’ve traveled across this galaxy to end your life for betraying my brother professor Gladstone.
(Nisha enters the room and brings news)
Nisha: Jack weve located the transmission. Its coming from the darkside of elpis moon.
Handsome jack speaks before passing out.
Handsome Jack: Vault hunters weve come to far to let a â– â– â– â– â– like this end us. Willhelm, engineering is already building your new mass annhilation body. Finish this for me and its yoooourrrrs. (Jack passes out and the surgeons begin operating)
Fast Travel network enabled. Destination recognized. Bedrock station port integrated.
Vault hunters travel to the ship. Port is completely sealed. No sign of an exit door.
Professor Sadrock: Too easy. I let you hack my fast travel network. Now your trapped. Imprisoned so that I can wreak havoc with my doomsday device. Its already generating enough power to mirror the core of a planet. Soon it will contain more energy then Pandoras sun.
(Now to place the device in a claptrap unit so that it can contain this energy). Sadrock places the doomsday device into a claptrap named F3ND3R-B3ND3R ( bite my shiny metal wheel).
CL4P-TP: Guys, Ill get us out of here.
CL4P-TP heads over to a small and barely noticeable terminal.
SHADOW TRAP: (speaks through claptrap) we shall not be imprisoned here. How am I ever to escape you if you cant escape this ship.
CL4P-TP’s eye begins to glow very bright. 100010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010000101010101010
Terminal access granted. Bedrock station fully authorized. Exit appears. Vending machines turn on.
Nisha: Aint that a first.p
Loading and Receiving: New Game Map
Termination bots appear (Terminaters) Wielding shotguns
Gameplay, Vault hunters do what they do best. Enter new enemies in addition to terminaters. This level will have lots of crates and lots of weapon chests. This will be a great opportunity to introduce a secret legendary in a non farmable chest.
This level will be in a vacuum with several crates to utilize the oz kits while battling enemies.
This is what ive got so far what do you guys think? Help me extend my story and post your continuation below. Have a better story? Id love to read it!
A treasure hunt with Captain Scarlett on the moon.
Pearlescents, new Legendary Class Mods (like in BL2) and new Raid Bosses.
I got nothing for a campaign.
Pearlecent ideas:
Nerfed Bekah (Still Jakobs): Only one pellet will spawn after a certain distance instead of 3, seems fair to me. It also has a Jakobs barrel because I’m sick of seeing Dahl barrels.
Ragnarok (Maliwan Rifle): Explosive with fire DoT, has similar abilities to the Pimpernel. Increased damage, splash radius and bullet speed at the cost of limited capacity (3 at best), and low fire rate (similar to Bolt Action Jakobs rifles).
Nefilhiem (Maliwan Pistol): Fires a Cryo elemental bullet that pierces enemies doing normal bullet damage, 80% splash damage and simultaneously leaving a shard imbedded in the enemy that will explode in 3 seconds, dealing 40% splash damage with a slightly reduced chance to freeze the enemy. Consumes 3 ammo per shot. Increased damage, critical damage, and accuracy. Slightly reduced bullet speed. Shots reflect off walls once towards enemies not currently imbedded with shards dealing half damage.
Blockade (Anshin shield): Same as in BL2 but with a flat 20% Damage Resistance regardless of whether it’s depleted or not.
One that will actually get released.
(sorry, I blame the rain)
^^Comment of the Year.^^
Well, Jack says something like “I’ll shoot ya to Concordia, it’s the biggest town on Elpis”, and the lawbot says “mightiest of space ports”, so that’s a start. Maybe something about Zarp, Janey, or Pickle. A dlc focused on developing laser or cryo tech would be cool.
The Marcus / straw / no lasers for Marcus incident.
Also the most depressing as well
I got a few more ideas
Hyperion taking over S&S Munitions to explain why they are absent after Borderlands 1, also S&S Munitions will be similar to Scav/Bandit guns but instead have Sniper Rifles and Lasers as well as having a different distribution in stats.
Jack telling the vault hunters to assassinate a group of rogue ex-Hyperion who are trying to overthrow Jack and have dirt about him which they can use to sue the hell out of them
Jack is starting to get his Hyperion foothold onto Pandora, but he has to seize some key points, so he tries sends all 6 of his vault hunters to Pandora, but the ship mislands onto some foreign planet with some sort of interference
In all seriousness, though, lots of really great ideas here!
I would love a raid boss dlc. Like 4-5 new raids.
We need a raid boss that is 2 raid bosses at once.
This is pure Borderlands hopeful wet dream wankery, but a new big DLC pack that would kind of be more of a standalone (but small) game where it is like a holographic “test chamber” where you could be any character from BL 1, 1.5, or 2, and load up any boss or hardcore unique enemy and its immediate environment and fight it, either alone or with up to 3 companions.
I don’t know how they would deal with levelling up or loot / weapons / gear in such a game, though.