No real incentive to go on to TVHM/UVHM

So I just regot this on PC, and played through Normal and the Claptrap DLC as the Baroness.

I was debating whether to continue on and max out Aurelia before I try another character (only used Aurelia, Jack, and Nisha on 360), but then I realized…why?

I could just play all the content with each character on Normal first, then pick one to max out. As is…like I said, there’s just no incentive to continue on, and I certainly don’t want to be redoing the same content 16 times. (All three modes with all 6 Vault Hunters.)

What do you guys think? Whats the incentive to continue on with Aurelia, versus starting a new character right after beating everything on Normal Mode?

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One incentive is to keep building into their skill trees to strengthen your toons and see what new abilities become available. Plus there’s an additional Sentinel-related head for each character after beating it in TVHM.

Other than that…yeah, it gets kinda repetitive.

It’s really a question of what you are (or are not) enjoying. I will note that some of the story missions have different rewards on TVHM versus NVHM.

My approach is to play multiple characters at the same time, but try and keep them 6 or so levels apart. That way, if you find a really neat piece of gear, you can pass it down when you’re done with it. And, if you get bored with one character, switch to a different one. That’s just me though. (I also alternate between BL1, BL2, and TPS, just to keep things fresh.)

Unless you are in love with her then trying the other ones out is a great idea. You might not even have to go that far to see how you feel about them. I grew tired of Nishas action skill by level 15 or so and stopped playing her.

Sometimes a character just feels right and you want to keep moving with them.

I actually loved Nisha on 360, solely because I could re-enact my experience with Gaige’s Close Enough skill. With Nisha, use shotguns and just fire away, richochet will deal with the rest.

That’s why I’m trying other people instead. Aurelia is nice and all, but sniping is a pain because enemies bounce around so much, so I focus on spamming Bitter Riposte.

You can import your X360 characters to PC if you don’t want to play all of them from scratch again - look it up.

wait what?!

Do whatever makes you happy. I would never force myself to do something I didn’t enjoy in a game.

meh. Trying Athena then. Then I’ll try Wilhelm.

Might as well at least get every character to the end of Normal mode.

Increased difficulty, more skills to tweak with your build. Though I do admit, getting new loot is kind of a pain in the ass.

Sorry to inform you but its a bit worse than you think as 3 x 6 = 18. I think you are also forgetting that the 100’s (nay 1000’s) of extra hours playing fewer areas with a narrower environment diversity and less enemy types and raid bosses will be mitigated by the pure joy of hearing the different dialogue that you get for each player that you play. Those moments when you hear the NPC’s say something different because you are Nisha and not Clappy sends orgasmic chills down my spine that makes me thing they were right in forgoing the endless expanses of mission based DLC’s in lew of new playstyles that at in no way feel like characters we have played before in earlier games. You may think that Maya and Aurelia are the same from a surface level but in reality they are very different. Maya for one has 4 letters in her name and Aurelia has 7 so she is really much better.

After reading a few of your comments, I am starting to get the impression you don’t like TPS all that much.

Technically it is quite a very good game… its just not Borderlands.

Cynical player is cynical

Noone suggested the lore incentive ? The fact the story is re-told in another way ?

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Good point. Also, the Brick/Tina dialogue is hilarious. Worth moving slowly through the points that trigger the background narration just so you don’t miss any of it!

At the risk of diverting this thread off topic, I just have to ask this: What makes TPS any less Borderlands?

When you look at the difference between BL1 and BL2, the differences were far more drastic than the similarities. The scaling, the loot mechanics, tech pools, element types, skill tree designs, level design, color palettes, story, just about everything changed a great deal between BL1 and 2. Yet, I have never seen anyone make the argument that BL2 is not a Borderlands game. In fact, due to the popularity of it, it almost seems as if its becoming thee benchmark by which Borderlands games are judged (and this is coming from a BL1 vet).

Now, if BL1 and 2 have no problems cohabiting the same spectrum, why does TPS pose such a problem? I mean, I love the game, but to sum it up in a nutshell it is just BL2 with some new guns and softer scaling. Most of the weapons were copied and pasted from BL2, 4 of the 5 elements are exactly the same, explosive weapons didn’t change with the exception of faster bullet speed for pistols, and if I recall maybe the damage formula for Tediore reloads was tweaked(?).

Either way the similarities between BL2 and TPS fat outweigh the differences between them, unlike the transition from BL1 to BL2, which saw the removal or tweaking of several, if not most, of the core game mechanics.

If BL2 is still a Borderlands game after all the changes they made following Borderlands 1, then there is no reason why TPS shouldn’t be considered a Borderlands game since they changed far less.

I will keep it short and simple. BL2 changed too much from BL1 if it did not have Tiny Tina DLC I would have played a lot less than the 300 odd hours before shelving it. TPS was a lot different again and now its too far from what I liked about the first game. The last CV DLC did not redeem this in my eyes and I gave up at probably 70-80 hours before I shelved it. BL2 and TPS are both well made games but for me they strayed to far away from what I loved about BL1 and I really just could not get as engaged with them. I just can’t get my head around playing a game for hundreds of hours hoping a particular gun will drop. BL1 was more generous with the gear and more generous with how long the gear lasts as you level up and I like it that way. I don’t want a game to be hard so that I can wear a badge of honour for making it through, I just want it to be fun to play and for me BL1 was just that.


Fair enough. Can’t really argue that.

Well, thank god the games are different, but no, there is no difference in the base core , shooting, looting, being a nightmare to anything that moves in Pandora/Elpis and inspiring respect and fear where you go only because you are a Vault Hunter.
Imagine if most of the mechanics didnt change, how boring would that be?

But i agree with you in one point, loot should be a little more generous, getting 4 friends to farm the Sentinel and getting nothing 9/10 of the times is really frustrating. Also weapons in BL1 had a little more diversity IMO, i dont know if its just a feel.

I think you are suffering from a severe case of nostalgia my friend…i had the same thing with Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim. Maybe yourself and your life were too different from now and you enjoyed the game more at that time, its hard to explain.