Making EOS / Eclipse MUCH Easier

Just wanted to make sure people know about this, as many people still seem to be having a great deal of trouble with the Clappy DLC final

Ok, something that makes the fight WAY easier on all levels of difficulty:

Upon entering the boss arena from the vendor room, if you go down and to the left off to the side, there will be an octaganal (8 sided) island with a jump pad on it, with 4 or 5 ammo restocks in the vicinity around it.

The jump pad on the 8 sided island takes you straight up into a tube.

While you are in this tube, you are completely protected from all attacks in all his phases ( his crazy purple / pink laser MAY hit you through the bit of gap in the bottom ). Just keep bouncing up and down in this tube.

When you emerge out the top, unload on him. While you are travelling up and down through the tube, reload.

If you dont want to take damage or need to let your shields reload, simply buttslam back down onto the jump oad before you emerge from the top of yhe tube and you will not be exposed to any fire.

You WILL get knocked out of the tube sometimes, but it’s very easy to get back into it.

I was able to beat him with Wilhelm at level 33 (boss was 36) using this method, and with other chsracters it’s probably even essier.

EDIT: Thanks to @Greasy_Broccoli for turning me on to this life-saving technique!

EDIT2: I have also successfully defeated EOS with this tactic with Wilhelm in TVHM and Clappy at 54 in UVHM.


Did the fight last while with this method or did it go quickly?


If you have accurate at medium to long range shock (for the shield portions but it works through the whole fight) and corrosive or non elemental weaponry for the non shield part, it goes fairly quick.

It is repetitive and bouncy and tedious, but it is safe.

A clear skies oz kit will help boost danage in hus Helios form and blaster or railgun (splitters and beams lack range and accuracy) lasers with a 3DDIE are also a good choice.

SMGs are weak but accurate.

Higher accuracy Hyperion shotguns are a good choice too.


Do you think strafing run oz would work? Faster fire rate and reload while airborne…I don’t have , nor do I like 3DDIE.


Strafing run is one of my most frequently used oz kits, it really works well with a lot of weapons!

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Or a Precision Strike, increased critical hit damage and accuracy while airborne.

You WILL be airborne almost every time you fire at him, if you’re using the tube method.

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Easier than that…With Nisha, Athena, Jack, and Aurelia … They just need a night/pacifying Pitchfork in shock /corrosive and the fights over in under a minute



I’m so bad at sniping…

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Thanks for the tip…who drops the pitchfork??

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Grindervious the invincible


haha…no doubt

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Hey your name is like one of a kind did you by chance play DC universe online an use a similar name?


I used this method the first time I fought him, sadly my dps with terrrible (geared for a melee athena, 2 melee assisting guns, a continous laser, and a rocket launcher), so bad that I was able to survive about an hour or two before I got bored, and almost never get hit, but I messed up once and it wrecked me. Its an amazing spot for sure, and I recommend it just to learn his attacks.


I think it’s solely meant to be a boss wrecker and is!


An even easier method is equipping a proper loadout. A leveled up Rustler’s Flayer is perfect for the first incarnation and a leveled up Thunderfire is all you need for the second incarnation. The Thunderfire is esp. brutal if you have Wilhelm and his laser skill maxed out. Or, as a commenter above noted, a Pacifying Pitchfork works wonders on this boss.


Who can rely on Legendaries, though?

Especially if youre just in normal or tvhm where legendaries are rare enough as it is?

I’ve had AMAZINGLY bad luck finding DLC Legendaries.


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