Boss element weaknesses - this post is gold

@Chuck80 this post is excellent. I decided it needs it’s own thread.

Also, this was in reference to getting various elemental versions of The Machine, but the elemental discussion in this post is useful for any gun.

Continuing the discussion from The machine! get it!:


Half flesh? So there are separate hitbox weak to fire element and the other weak to corrosive?

Thanks :smile:

Maybe a small list is in order. Bosses in the game with their weaknesses and how much of their total life it represents (percentages are very loose approximations)

Flameknuckle: Shock 33%, Corrosive 33%, None 33%
Iwajira: Fire 100% (Cryo works)
Deadlift: Shock 90%, Fire 10%
Redbelly: Fire 100% (Cryo works)
Bosun: Shock 50%, Corrosive 25% (turrets), Fire 25%
Felicity: Corrosive 100%
Zarpedon: Shock 70%, Corrosive 15%, fire 15%
RK-5: Corrosive 100%
Powersuit Felicity: Corrosive 100%
Sentinel 1st form: Shock 75%, Fire 25%
Sentinel 2nd form: Shock 33%, Fire 50%, None 17% (Cryo works)
Despair & Self-Loathing: Shock 50%, Corrosive 50%
Denial subroutine: Shock 50%, fire 50%
Sponx: Shock 50%, Corrosive 50%
Shadow-TP: Shock 50% Corrosive 50%
Eclipse: Shock 50%, Corrosive 50%
Eos: Shock 75%, Corrosive 25%

Of all bosses life bars put together:
35% are weak to Corrosive
40% are weak to shock
only 22% are weak to fire, and mostly concentrated in just 4 bosses, 3 of which can also be cryo’ed
and 3% to NOTHING.

In absolute numbers: (discounting the time where a weakness represents less than 20% of the boss)
12 out of 17 are weak to shock at some point
10 out of 17 are weak to corrosive
6 out of 17 are weak to fire

Why Cryo is not so great against Bosses:
Many bosses are simply immune to status effects. And among those that aren’t, those that have a shield will be very hard to freeze while their shield is up. So Cryo is almost never a good choice against bosses. The only bosses where using a Cryo gun makes sense are RedBelly (after they split), Iwajira and The Sentinel’s large phase (once shields are depleted).

Why fire is not so great against bosses:
There are only 4 bosses where carrying a fire weapon would make sense: Iwajira, RedBelly, Bosun and Denial subroutine. In the case of Bosun and Denial Sub., they also have shields, so carrying a shock weapon is still necessary. Conveniently, the list is almost the same as the one above. So Cryo or fire as a 3rd boss weapon is more or less your preference.

I hope I didn’t make any mistakes writing this… If I did please correct me.


I mean that it has a health bar and a shield, so half of the fight, you’re shooting at flesh.

Am I getting a sense of how OP cryo is? :stuck_out_tongue:

I see. I thought they had some parts weak to fire and another to corrosive as Bosun has robotic (?) flying chair (?) and Denial Subroutine is a digital (?) thresher. Like how Armored Maniac back in BL2 has its head weak to fire and the rest to corrosive.

Cry is kinda powerful, but there are so many bosses that are immune to status effects that a pure cryo build is gimped :frowning:

Otherwise, it’s kinda like slag, but without swapping and with very specific conditions. The good thing is that it’s good on it’s own, but shines in specific situations. I think it’s a very elegant mechanic and I hope they will keep it for the next installment of the game.

Yeah, I see what you mean. not the case here though… as far as I know.

A few of the bosses you listed as not having shields do have shields.

Bosun and Denial SR can’t be cryo’d.

And the 1st form Sentinel goes… Slag, Fire, Cryo, Slag
So it should go Shock 75%, Fire 25%

Flameknuckle is part None

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please name them :smile:

Damn! Thanks for catching that

Slag ?

(also, I seem to remember a shock-resistant phase…)

True. Does he leave his armor after the whole bar is gone and get a second one or does he leave it partway through it ? I can’t remember.

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Yeah slag, almost all the Eridians can slag you, and so can the Sentinel. His 1st and 4th humanoid phases are imbued w/ the slag element.

Have you never been slagged in TPS? I was super pissed when Athena couldn’t become the best support character ever, since I thought Prismatic Aegis would allow me to be the only character that could slag enemies.

Despair & SL, Sponx, Shadow-tp (he teleports and has a fast recharge delay & rate shield)

His 2nd big phase is shock resistant if that is what you are thinking of. Here’s my Athena kill just look at the colors and attacks.

So big phase 50% fire, 33% shock, 17% none

Video cause I’m lazy

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That’s news to me, I never paid attention I guess.
So what does this mean for resistances ? Normal ones ?

Right, thanks

I know about the big form, but I remember a small form as shock resistant… I might be wrong though

Wait, no. The big form does have a fire phase too right ?
I need help on this one.

Cool, so one health bar of corrosive, then a shield and health bar of flesh that resist fire
So that’s 33% corrosive, 33% shock, 33% none.


Big phase goes… Slag, Shock, Corrosive

Just watch my Athena kill or some other YouTube kill that is slower.

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In a slag phase, does he have normal resistances ? (like shock works on shield, fire on flesh…)

The 1st humanoid slag phase resist explosive and both the 1st and 4th resist cryo

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Last one that i’m not sure: Bosun is fire or corrosive ?
And can he be cryo’ed ?

The Bosun is 100% non-cryo-able (I tested in UVHM only)

And I’d assume he is fire, but I never tested is. But it feels like fire. He may also be like a Iron Clad Lunatic.

I’m going to own this embarrassing note:

I missed that Iwajira is weak to fire.

aaaaannnnddddd now I’m logging on to introduce him to my incendiary Machine.


I’ve been wondering what his weakness was for a while now, thanks. He can be tough when you’re not devoting all attention to him.

Sometimes it seems like cryo is as useful as corrosive or rather that something weak to corrosive might be equally weak to cryo?


I think some of his AOE attacks have a slag effect to them. I dunno, it’s been a while.