A true story about a grandma

Today at a local grocery store I was forced in to a very hard double take. Standing in line to check out I saw a very elderly woman with a Borderlands T-shirt on! At first I thought “nah, can’t be”. But sure enough there was the vault symbol right on the front of the shirt with a Gearbox logo on the sleeve. The woman must have been about 80ish, with a cane, bi-focal glasses, and a slight hunch back. In other words your basic sweet grandma.

So just to make sure I wasn’t imagining things I asked the lady “Where did you get the shirt?” She replied in short that her “son likes video games”. I felt a strange sense of let down that she didn’t say “Well I have a nice little level 72 Lawbringer!” Oh well. Very cool grandma nevertheless.


Well that’s kinda cool!

It would have been amazing if she started reciting the story from the Wobble Bobble dlc in BL2 though. : P


I thought there would’ve been an exclamation mark over her head and you’d have to take a sidequest which involves listening to her for 30 minutes straight, and in the end she’d give you a mediocre rocket launcher. But that would be sadistic, there would never be sidequest like that…oh wait…


Don’t despair, there actually are grandma’s out there with maxed characters!

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This story brightened my day…thank you!

That’s awesome!

Awesome, I might have to buy my Grandma a Borderlands T-shirt for Christmas this year! :grinning:

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Better yet – buy her the game!

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Better yet - build a time machine, a spaceship, and a shotgun and send her to Pandora!

I thought you were gonna say “When she burps, Patrick obeys”. Looks like I was off though.