Trade Forum Etiquette?

I’ve never used the trade forum before, and I don’t play online often, so I don’t really know how trades are supposed to work. Do you just request what you want and wait for people to respond with what they want? How do you do this?

I’d like to know before I go and do something stupid. :stuck_out_tongue:

Pretty much. I would check out the trade forum for your platform first to see if anybody is offering the gear you want and what, if anything, they want for it. The trade forums are separated by platform: Xbox 360/One, PS3 (might have 4 as well), PC, Linux, and Mac. Once you find someone to trade with, you’ll need to either get their account name and add them to your friends’ list or give them yours so they can do that. Then you set up a trade time, go into a game, make your trade(s), and enjoy your new loot. :dukeaffirmative:

Awesome! Thanks.

Like @Gulfwulf said, you should search the trade forum for your gaming platform to see if anyone has what you are looking for. If they do, you should see what they are seeking in trade for the item (s) they have. If no one has the item you are looking for listed, you could always create you own trade thread for your gaming platform. At a minimum, you want to list the items, element of the items (if appropriate) and level of the items that you are looking for. Also, you should list the items you have to trade for the items you are looking for. And make sure to include your Xbox Live / PSN or Steam ID so people know how to contact you.

For example, if you were looking for a level 61 Flying Sand Hawk SMG in the Fire element and if you had a level 61 Practicable Conference Call in the Shock element for trade you could do something like the following:


Flying Sand Hawk (Fire) - Level 61


Practicable Conference Call (Shock) - Level 61



Generally, it is a good idea to use colors for the item you list since that makes it easier to read if you have many items listed. You don’t have to use them if you don’t want to. The list above with appropriate colors would look as follows:


Flying Sand Hawk (Fire) - Level 61


Practicable Conference Call (Shock) - Level 61

As far as Trade Forum Etiquette goes, you should avoid asking or accepting requests to “dupe” items. GBX considers duping to be a form of cheating, so duping is not allowed in the forums. Also, try to avoid “bumping” (aka replying to) your own thread more than once per day if at all possible. That’s all I can think of for now. FYI, I have a Trade Thread (which I REALLY need to update, lol) that you could reference for formatting purposes. The link is in my ‘signature’ below.

NOTE: The items I listed above appear in BL2.

Forum ID: Poisd2Strike
GT: Poisd2Strike
Gun Prefixes | Gun Parts | Max Stats
Maya OP8 | Banshee RR / NRR | Binder | Cat | Nurse | Siren | Trickster B / M

If I did want dupes, which other forum could I go to? I wouldn’t ask here since its against the rules, but I do have a rather limited supply of things to trade, so if there was any other forum I could go where I could just get the items for free, that would work out great.

I looked on google to try to find which forum would be appropriate, but couldn’t really find one. My search skills may just suck.

You could always try posting here asking for someone to legitimately give (meaning NOT dupe) you the items you are looking for, stating up front that you have nothing (or next to nothing) to offer in exchange. I am not sure how successful you will be, however, since most (but not all) of the time people who post in the trade forums are looking to legitimately exchange items they have for items other players have. Sometimes you will get lucky and find someone willing to part with a few items they no longer want or need for free.

Forum ID: Poisd2Strike
GT: Poisd2Strike
Gun Prefixes | Gun Parts | Max Stats
Maya OP8 | Banshee RR / NRR | Binder | Cat | Nurse | Siren | Trickster B / M

Alright. I’ll give it a shot.

would also still try the trade forums, their are players there that have answered requests saying they have an extra of what is wanted and would gladly give it to you

This isn’t an appropriate question for this forum.