[Guide] Color Codes for Build Builders

I like pretty colors. When I see pretty colors in your build threads, I get happy.

Please do not use colors that are hard to read, though. There are other things which will make me go blind, I don’t need the help.

Instead, I thought I would make a nice little guide so we can all make guides with pretty colors and not cause each-other to go blind. :smile:

These are just how I like to use them, obviously you can use whatever shade you like for what you want, but this should also serve as a nice repository for colors that look nice on the particular background of these forums.

I’ll list what I like to use the code for, and then the tags I use to make it. Replace the space between the tags with the text you want to make pretty, ok?

Item Rarities

Common [color=gray] [/color]
Uncommon [color=greenyellow] [/color]
Rare [color=steelblue] [/color]
Very Rare [color=mediumorchid] [/color]
E-Tech [color=magenta] [/color]
Legendary [color=orange] [/color]
Pearlescent [color=turquoise] [/color]
Glitch (Seraph in BL2) [color=lightpink] [/color]


  • Non-Elemental [color=beige] [/color]
    • :no_entry_sign: :no_entry_sign:
  • Explosive [color=yellow] [/color]
    • :boom: :boom:
  • Fire [color=darkorange] [/color]
    • :fire: :fire:
  • Corrosive [color=yellowgreen] [/color]
    • corrosive ![corrosive|36x36](upload://uqwzyvb7xJ9JMLDtURBBQR53xXK.png)
  • Shock [color=dodgerblue] [/color]
    • :zap: :zap:
  • Slag [color=mediumpurple][/color]
    • image ![image|18x25](upload://4JwLpqPrTVMK4X6gDaHVC69lx3W.png)
  • Cryo [color=darkturquoise] [/color]
    • :snowflake: :snowflake:

Skill Formatting

Green Tree (light) [color=lightgreen] [/color]
Green Tree (dark) [color=limegreen] [/color]

Blue Tree (light) [color=skyblue] [/color]
Blue Tree (dark) [color=deepskyblue] [/color]

Red Tree (light) [color=lightcoral] [/color]
Red Tree (dark) [color=indianred] [/color]

5/5 Skill Points [color=lime] [/color]
1/5 Skill Points [color=chocolate] [/color]
6/5 Skill Points [color=aqua] [/color]

Gear Text

Red Text [color=#f44] [/color]
Luneshine [color=paleturquoise] [/color]
Key Word [color=wheat] [/color]
Vacuum [color=peru] [/color]
Atmosphere [color=lightskyblue] [/color]
Error Code [color=darkseagreen] [/color]

These are just the colors that I like. There are a lot more HTML color names that work, and you can also use Hexadecimal color codes instead of names, such as “#FFFFFF” for white.
http://html-color-codes.info/ for Hex codes
http://html-color-codes.info/color-names/ for HTML color names.

Other formatting

  • Italicized Text
    • *Italicized Text*
  • Bold Text
    • **Bold Text**
  • Bold and Italicized Text
    • ***Bold and Italicized Text***
  • Underlined Text
    • <u>Underlined Text</u>
  • Spoiler Text

    • [spoiler]Spoiler Text[/spoiler]
  • :biohazard: Unicode characters.
    • &#9763; Unicode characters.
  • Non-breaking                    space. Does not cause a line-break, is not trimmed by the forum back-end, which normally trims extra spaces that aren’t part of formatting code. This can also be used to create indentation without creating a list.
    • &nbsp;
  • Link Text
    • [Link Text](http://www.google.com)
  • Images are like Links, but preceded by ! The text in the is the alt-text, but it can be empty.
    • ![](http://forums.gearboxsoftware.com/uploads/default/257/110f4ae374fc5ebf.png)
  • Simply paste a Youtube link in an otherwise empty line, with an non-list line above it to embed a video
  • 3 dashes (—) in an otherwise empty line, with an empty line above it makes a horizontal divider. If the line above your divider contains text that doesn’t belong to a list and has an empty line above it, it will make a Heading instead.


Headings are an easy way to separate your different sections. They make the text big and bold. There are two ways to create a heading. The simple version is to add a single dash below your heading text. If you want a horizontal divider, it needs its own line.


Gives you:

For multi-level headings (equivalent to html h1, h2, h3, etc.) use one or more # marks followed by a space and then your heading text:

Gives you:

Unordered Lists

- A dash followed by a space, and then some text will start a list, but only if there is an empty line or a Heading above it.
  * Asterisks work too. If the dash or asterisk is preceded by 2 spaces, the list item will be nested.
    - Four spaces, and it will be two levels in.
Lines without dots will be indented to the previous list-item.
Lists must be followed by an empty line or a Heading to end.

Like so.

  • A dash followed by a space, and then some text will start a list, but only if there is an empty line or a Heading above it.
    • Asterisks work too. If the dash or asterisk is preceded by a space, the list item will be nested.
      • Four spaces, and it will be 2 levels in.
        Lines without dots will be indented to the previous list-item.
        Lists must be followed by an empty line or a Heading to end.

Like so.

Ordered Lists

1. Lists can also be numbered, but not if previous list-items within the same section are not numbered.
   - Sub-items can be unordered For some reason sub-items of numbered lists need an extra space preceding them (3 in this case).
   1. You can start numbering partway through, which is amusing.
   - And also stop numbering partway through, which is also amusing.
99. If you start a numbered list, you must use numbers to continue it, but they don’t need to be correct.
    1. Since this is a different sub-list, it can be numbered even though the last sub-list at this level wasn’t. I need an additional preceding space (now 4) since the number above was 2 digits.
       1. Some markdown sites will use roman numerals for nested ordered lists… but not here. By the way, 7 preceding spaces here.

  1. Lists can also be numbered.
    • Sub-items can be unordered. For some reason sub-items of numbered lists need an extra space preceding them (3 in this case).
    1. You can start numbering partway through, which is amusing.
    • And also stop numbering partway through, which is also amusing.
  2. If you start a numbered list, you must use numbers to continue it, but they don’t need to be correct.
    1. Since this is a different sub-list, it can be numbered even though the last sub-list at this level wasn’t. I need preceding another space (now 4) since the number above was 2 digits.
      1. Some markdown sites will use roman numerals for nested ordered lists… but not here. By the way, 7 preceding spaces here.

This site also has a lot of info on formatting in Markdown, which is the name of the code used by this forum:

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The red text color is a bit difficult to read, Slijim. Other than that I like the color selection. :thumbsup:

1 Like

[quote=“Gulfwulf, post:3, topic:43681, full:true”]
The red text color is a bit difficult to read, Slijim. Other than that I like the color selection.
[/quote][color=Red]It’s much better than the default red though…


Pokédex entry #132, ditto.

Going to adapt my builds’ color code right now

Also, might be just me, but I think this should be pinned… just throwing this out there.

How about this? #f55
How about this? #f44
How about this? #f33
How about this? #f22

Need to see them side by side to compare #f55
Need to see them side by side to compare #e55

… am I the only one who can’t see the difference ? :stuck_out_tongue:

Edit: #f22 is still totally legible and clearly the redest red of the reds

Probably. FFxxxx and EExxxx, and 00xxxx and 11xxxx are really close, visually.

I prefer #f44

It’s worth noting, a lot of these look better in bold.

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IE must be screwing with me because they all look the same. :frowning:


Hey, I don’t like using it either but Opera won’t display this site properly. :stuck_out_tongue:

Chrome does okay.

Seraph ? (Hotpink)

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Good call, I forgot that rarity. I like lightpink.

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Starting to update my threads to this

1 down 19 to go

Alrighty then. I figured out how to get Opera to display this site properly and I can now see two different shades of red. Anyway, do you have any suggestions for the skill guide ratings?

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I have to still add color to it but I might just keep the stars, I like them

I like the :star: :star: that derch has been using.

You guys think I should add emoticons and other various formatting stuff to the OP?

yeah why not, a guide to color and formatting for guides wouldn’t be a bad thing

:facepunch: is also one I might keep to show melee gear on top gear

Also I added color to my skills guide, feel free to critque it with the summary of the skill color, and if I should keep the lime and aqua on the points part

I like the idea of using emoticons to show certain things that you’d normally type out over and over again, like ratings and “Melee Gear.” There might be a place for :boom: :fire: :snowflake: :zap:, but I can’t decide which one I would like for Corrosive, and there doesn’t seem to be biohazard symbol anywhere in the list. Any ideas? And what would we use for non-elemental?

Oh, and… Thoughts about Luneshine? lightcyan? paleturquoise? aquamarine? Or should we just consider it to be Key Word (wheat)?