TVHM not taking claptrap dlc into account (underleveled)

I’ve noticed that when you go through normal mode and do the claptastic voyage TVHM does not recognize the leveling up you’ve done during the dlc. For instance I ended with lvl 30 when finishing the sentinel and ended up at lvl 38 when finishing claptastic voyage.

Now when I started TVHM mode the enemy levels were only 31, its like it doesn’t take into account any level gains done on the dlc. Anyone else experience this?

It wasn’t until Redbelly did the levels finally become ‘normal’.

This is just how things are, sadly.

will always start between 32-34 just as the highest Normal level enemy will always be the Invincible Sentinel at 28 and Iwajira at 30.

The good news it that if you keep playing and ONLY do main story and absolutely key side-quests (such as the one to get the shock sniper), things will catch up pretty quickly. Each new part of the main story has a range of levels it can start at so, if your level is higher, you’ll get the max level for that part of the story.

There was a thread a while back about that, with the idea of figuring out how much you head to level up before completing each stage of the story in order to ensure you were maximum level when you accepted the final part to get a max level Rosie. It lists the ranges for a bunch of the later stage story missions.

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That’s reassuring!

I’m in the same situation, level 39 about to head into UVHM.

UVHM is full scaling, NVHM and TVHM are fixed ranged scale.

As said above at lvl 38 TVHM will catch up to you. You’ll need to be lvl 50 before accepting BotE … to get a lvl 50 reward.

Edit: Yes, as stated below be lvl 50 before turning in E2E (Eye to Eye), which will start BotE (Beginning of the End).

More importantly, you’ll need to be that level before completing the previous mission, since story missions are auto-accepted as soon as you complete the preceding one.

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Having a brain fart - BotE?


Beginning of the End!

So get to 50 before completing Eye to Eye?

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Its like this in other borderlands games as well only in UVHM does it actually scale continuously the other modes are fixed

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I’m at level 69.5 with my Jack in UVHM. And I’m at the point in the story right before this. So I’ve been trying to grind up to 70 so I don’t end up with a level 69 Rosie. hah. Started running out of sidequests. I’m close though. Then it will be freedom. Accept anything, start anything, etc…

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Stick with it!