My OCD is screaming at me to never take any more BA points. If I do, it will be ruined, RUUUUUUIIIIIIIIIINED. The only thing that would have made it better would have been a rank of 15151 but I didn’t even notice my rank, just the stats.
Ha! I’m exactly the same! I put points into damage, fire rate and reload speed until they are a couple of percent above the rest, then I fill the others up until they are equal.
(So long, and thanks for all the fish)
Easy solution to the problem - just farm BAR until you’re at 151515
Mines all over the place too, I just don’t see much use in some of them compared to others. That Max health of only 1 has got me reeling though, I would never do that personally.
Ive got around 19% to health, 17% to gun damage, 15% to elemental effect chance (I use a lot of elemental weapons, if you get this high enough, it’s bonkers) and 13% to everything else except melee and elemental damage, cause those are poop.
How on earth are folks able to get Gun Damage soooo far above anything else? I am FORCED to have level statistics between all skills because of what is offered…
Is there a trick to this?
Save and quit if not offered something you want when you try to cash in a token??