EDITED: 11/30/2017 @Jim_Raven @00Schmidt @nikitazed @jafortune @the_Nocturni @ugyuu The crew has FINISHED A NEW UPDATE!..new file link below!!
All necessary files are included in the links Jim has given in his youtubes. But I have additionally included them below.
WARNING It appears that folks are having issues with the Hex Editing process that is first necessary to run the patch.
1. Always…and I mean ALWAYS…keep a BACKUP of your original Borderlands TPS.exe
2. Turn off ANY and ALL antivirus programs to include Windows Defender BEFORE you do the Hex Editing. You can turn them back on again AFTER you save the hex edit and REBOOT your machine.
3. It appears that Microsoft has upgraded Windows Defender so that it may interfere with Hex edits. ENSURE it is disabled before Hex Editing.
Another Community Patch Thread with a different game. And once again, I have run this by the mods and powers to be to insure we are OK with this. And once again, they have agreed as long as we:
Discuss patch as a PC only patch (unfortunately, discussing it as a console patch breaks ToS with Microsoft and Sony)
Realize TOTALLY that GB had NOTHING to do with this effort and take NO RESPONSIBILITY WHATSOEVER
Comments are to provide KNOWLEDGE, HELP and INPUT of any problems and SUGGESTIONS to the authors for improvement.
We keep this professional…comments like “this sucks for console owners” are meaningless, the situation is what it is.
As in all patches of this nature, the author takes NO RESPONSIBILITY for any damage you do to your game. I have experienced ZERO PROBLEMS of any sort, but the old truism is in effect. BACK UP!
OK, with that in mind, here is the location information on this patch…The Authors are looking for any input!. The Changelog is at the beginning of the patch itself.
Patch Notes Here:
Once again…You must use the Hex Editor method Shadow describes Here on A COPY of BorderlandsTPS.exe You must do that first. It takes just a wee bit of patience to install it but once done you have the OPTION to play with the patch active or totally normal gameplay. It does not harm game files in any fashion from my testing and I applaud the effort! It is REALLY QUITE CLEVER. The Authors are trying to do a VERY careful job of ENHANCING the game and not breaking it with a bunch of OP Evil Smasher like crap. They have made a TON of changes …all Superb!!.
Filter Tool Link which simplifies Hex Editing and a BUNH of things:
TPS got a bad rap and it’s unfortunate. By games end with the Claptrap DLC it was a VERY good game.
This is a great opportunity to provide feedback and ideas…and ENJOY!