Excalibastard easter egg within an easter egg

Someone at gearbox/2kA is a fan of Michael Scott. In “The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel”, Excalibur is one of the 4 swords of power, holding the power of, you guessed it, ice.



Layers upon layers of intricacies.

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What if Excalibur is also a Bast*rd Sword? :sunglasses:

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Now we just need to find out about where the bastrd part comes from. I always liked to imagine it being a Game of Thrones thing (Jon Snow, bastrd sword, etc), but I’m probably wrong.

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because borderlands

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Yes, you are wrong :smile:

B@stard Swords were named in the middle ages for swords that were neither short nor long and thus did not fit into the traditional sword style schools of fighting; it was a “sword style of unknown origin”, hence a b@stard.


Because Excalibayonet is stupid.

I… know that. But Jon Snow holds a bastrd sword and has various references to ice in his story. I did not say his sword was the only one called a bastrd, but I do see how the confusion happened.

Also, Excalirapier, anyone?

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Ahh, apologies :smile:

Lemme see if I remember; Ned Stark’s sword was Ice, and Snow got his b@atard sword from the Blackwatch commander, right? Mormonts criminal son’s sword, the guy that Varys sent to spy on Danaerys? Hah, I just realized that’s a double entendre on “b*stard” there too. Martin’s good at that.


There was an ice sword in skyrim too😆

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Oh wow last December…

yeah, now return this beast to the thread graveyard.

And with strange aeons, even death may die.

  • H.P. Lovecraft