Topic was all the venting I needed lol, sooo…
Which boss in TPS is your least favorite to farm or just have the worst luck with drops with. As you can tell from the topic title mine is Bitch Boy Bob
Topic was all the venting I needed lol, sooo…
Which boss in TPS is your least favorite to farm or just have the worst luck with drops with. As you can tell from the topic title mine is Bitch Boy Bob
Zoolander reference?
“You can dere-lick my balls, Capitan!”
Back on topic…
I HATE the Sentinel.
Im terrible at platforming, there’s too much crazy flashy s**t going on, too many flying enemies, sketchy FFYL, i never have the right shields, can never remember what phase resists what element - BOOOURNS!
Aside from that, I am always over-levelled, so no bosses are ever really hard (which is why UVHM will be more challenging!) and i enjoy the fights!
Getting to Nel is WAAAAY too much hassle, only done it twice.
I USED to hate Deadlift, til i figured out exactly how to deal with him, but he still pisses me off sometimes with how hard to keep track of he can be!
To get revenge for what you did to her, Felicity will fling your Quasar into an item eating hole in the floor. It’s playing the worst game of baseball ever.
“I will annihilate them”, he says, then he sends his goons after me.
I finally get to him, and he just runs away the entire time. I didn’t know we were playing hide and go seek. -_-
Haha deadlift can be a hassle that’s for damn sure!! And when he does decide to stay still he electrifies the ground…
That sounds like a terrible time… They need to fix they way loot drops in the game in general… No need for my loot to fly half way cross map. But luckily I found a sweet quasar at lvl 70 in a machine.
I smack the sentinel now that I’ve found that glitched rustlers quad. And screw Nel lol I have no need for the skullsmasher in this game unfortunately.
I hate iwajria, because…having to look all over the damn place for fuc*Ing loot gets soooooo old
Not to mention getting Oz a couple times
I hate Odjurymir, he keeps sending in his half brain-dead cousin to fight for him
In the end, its hard to compare any of the item hogs in this game to the king… BNK-3R. Hail to the king baby!
“Eat lasery death!” …flies away
“Die, die! DIE!!!” …just passes through
“You guys pound on him for a while” …leaves for 5 minutes
I was getting 100% spawn rate with Bob. Now it is zero. Can’t blame any hotfixes or patches, never downloaded them.
He hasn’t been appearing for me in a few days either!
Stop your bellyaching and LOVE the BOMB! -RK5
He just spawned, and killing him netted me an at level Ack Ack!
If sigs were a thing, this would’ve been perfect.
I have to side with the RK5 crowd. Atleast Corporal Bob gave me several Ack Acks. RK5 never gave me something decent.
Does RK5 ever drop any Legendaries?
He’s one of the few bosses I’ve never seen one from, whether it be gear, skin or head.
Same question for the Stalker boss, actually…,
RK5 might drop legendaries now after the hotfix. he did not before.
he might now. he didn’t have an assigned loot pool for legendaries prior to the 5/19 hot fix.
I got a lawbringer vanquisher mod from stalker…
anyways, Deadlift and RK5 suck-a@@ , (they don’t drop much, for me, except moonstones )
Meg is irritating to me because the torrent is about the only legendary I would like to have besides the quasar
I just killed Meg about half an hour ago, and in the bottom of the compactor, in that little slimy pool, there was an SMG glowing Orange!
I was all “Sweet! Torrent!” but it turned out to be a green trash SMG that had two money drops right beside it.