Time to live in Denial and get our farm on! Share what drops you've gotten!

So killed him a few times now, and not a single rare off of him but… That chest though! I’ve gotten 2 legendary skins off of the red glitch that flies out and an omni cannon from the chest.

My guess is he still has no specific loot tied to him but his area as a whole seems to have much much higher chance of dropping rare loot. I’ve already seen a couple glitch weapons just off of normal mobs that spawn during the fight.

I have experienced the same thing. I have also had him drop 2 glitch once on his own. I think he just got a rework. Overall I am much more satisfied with the loot from his fight.

Yeah he never drops less then 2 glitch weapons sometimes even up to 4 with one kill, he is actually a boss worth farming now. Also satisfied granted we are still missing many guns within the games coding I feel one of those should of been a drop for him since he still doesn’t have one that I know of…

They should add the now impossible to attain legitimately at any level other than starting Bullpup and Smasher to his possible loot drops!

Well… Since I have a Two fer Smasher at 70… I’m good there xD but would not mind that since don’t have my BL1 save file on this hard drive so would love a Bullpup!

Btw anyone know if this skin had a designated drop location before this patch?? I’ve killed plenty of loot bugs from the chest yet this is the first I’m seeing of it and already got it 4 times.

I got the nisha version from both his loot bug and one in the earlier portion of glitch overlook. AFAIK it was added with the DLC. I also had all of the holiday heads added to my toons… (turkey snowman etc)

What’s a AFAIK?
Also considering I saw nothing in the patch notes about holiday heads and considering I nor many other people dont have them I doubt you actually obtained them legitly

Edit: Btw even if it came with the DLC at entitial launch does not mean the item/items are available right away. I don’t even need to give examples of this as TPS has already given so many lol

To fight Denial ( after his mission) do you just go to Overlook and head for that plateau near the Church?

No its in the same location as in the mission. Next to where you grabbed the override key

That plateau is utilized in a side mission you aquire in the nexus after completing the other ones.

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afaik means as far as I know. And I wouldn’t even know how to begin proving that I didn’t cheat for the heads, but I’ll just remind you that random people have had things improperly unlock since the beginning of BL2 (such as gearbox exclusive gear). I will make a thread about it and see if anyone else got them.

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Oh I believe you on that! For some reason (and only whilhem) has the Gearbox skin unlocked for him… I’m no employee lol so I get ya there

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Did 5 or 6 runs of Denial out of curiosity – only legendaries were from those bugs that pop out, and only orange skins (that I’d already unlocked). About 2 glitched weapons per:run but none I wanted to keep. I came to the conclusion that I’d get much more interesting stuff, in much less time, at the grinder. Fun though.