Post level 50 xp needs to be buffed?

I just beat the entire game - every side quest, holodome quest, claptrap quest, and even the pre order dlc quests, not to mention tons of kills on Sentinel and Iwijara, as well as making sure to kill all the mobs that show up in the quets instead of running past them. (I didn’t even start uvhm until I was lvl 51 also)

I am still level 67 - I think this is a problem honestly, I don’t want to restart my game to get the remaining xp and honestly I don’t understand why it takes so long to hit max cap anyways that you can beat the entire game and still not get there. Especially as most people have alts they want to play - levels 1-50 seem very well balanced so I don’t know why 50-70 needs to be so tedious.


Entering UVHM at level 50 - 52 was ok when the cap was at 60, but when you realize how far 70 is when you’re 50 I get that “Uhhhg, this is gonna suck” feeling. Badass and more difficult enemies should definitely give a lot more XP than they give right now, I don’t understand why the XP was nerfed going from TVHM to UVHM.

With six characters that’s 18 damn playthroughs without resets. I reset my Athena and while it was nice leveling up again, the story has become completely stale and more annoyance than anything else. Not being able to skip parts like Gladstone blabbing on and on when we first meet him… It makes his fate more of a joy to finally never hear him again when we get to that part.

Actually there’s a lot of blabbing that you can’t skip in this game and with each pt it gets worse and worse, which makes low XP a very big problem for me.


Same problem, I hate the fact that you can’t skip babbling and all the introduction videos !
It’s a pain in the ass when you farm the Invincible Sentinel, that’s like 10-15 seconds of a thing you saw 100 times !
And to get to level 70 with athena I spent a few hours doing the first mission over and over again, so the 20+ seconds of Jack killing and getting beaten up by the lost legion was annoying as hell (and it makes no sense at all because the Lost Legion came to kill Jack, they just beat him up a little, but they kill all the robots and the innocent employees… :crown:
But that’s another story ^^)


I have to agree. XP required to max is a little extreme.

So i just looked and it takes 8 mil xp to go from 67 to 68

you get like 300-500xp per mob and maybe what 750 for a badass

even if u round up to 1k xp each (which they give half of) thats like 8k kills or something to get 1 lvl

quests give like 20k

in world of warcraft im pretty sure it took around 8 mil a level during mists of pandaria and mobs gave like 10k+xp each and quests gave like 50-120k xp

im borderline about to quit the game

uvhm xp gain is also why i ended up quitting bl2 except bl2 didnt have near the aggravation for me in regards to bugs/glitches

it’s a grind for sure.

Yeah unless they patch it the only viable way to grind that XP is by turning in quests. It’s a shame.

Yep UVHM needs at least a 20% XP boost across the board.

I moved a post to a new topic: Unessesary stuff

I started a new pt in uvhm at level 60. I’ve finished all story quests except the sentinel fight, am about 1/2 through dlc, and have done a smattering of non-unique side quests. I just hit 66, and am not sure I’ll be able to get much into 67 (or get there at all). I’ve not done any xp farming at all, just running quests and done fights as they appear.

There’s a reason people run the first quest 50 times to get to 70…

Is it just me, or it tvhm xp really bad? I was trying to level up my Wilhelm and I had to do nearly every side quest and was STILL under leveled. Anyone else have that problem?

Could definitely use a buff, though. It took me 3 uvhm playthoughs and majority of the sidequests on the first 2 of those to get level 70.


It is weird that you can barely get any XP by killing enemies in a series that is all about killing stuff with that fancy new gun you just got. Of course I am not demanding the craziness that was Guardian farming in BL1 but I do not believe that the polar opposite of that is the right solution either. There must be some middle ground here.

Resetting UVHM several times just to complete those quests over and over again to reach the cap can be really demotivating especially given the amount of unskippable dialogue. Even more so if you play with more than one character.


A friend and I went back BL2 to level up our forgotten gaige characters, when we started they were around level 68.
A run through the dust alone netted us a bunch of XP with spiderant praetoriens (or whatever) netting 5k XP each. Just running through a few high density areas we got or Gaiges to level 72 and had fun doing it.

A far better experience than grinding out Iwa or resetting UVHM over and over.
In BLTPS I’ve managed to get 2 characters to 70. It’s too grindy getting all 6 there I think.

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