Can we PLEASE have Nisha and Wilhelm back for BL3?

TPS had, by far, the best classes of the series, with few if any “pointless” skills and so many valid builds compared to Bl 1 and 2.

And I figure it would be easy enough to bring them back (simply say Nisha survived the shootout, imprisoned by Brick or something. Honestly I can see her falling for Brick’s savagery lol. And Wilhelm simply uploaded to a full robot body, which he’d love).

But its just such a shame to have two suprisingly well fleshed out characters and classes thrown out after such a short side game.

Is there any chance of them returning with Athena and Claptrap in BL3?

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While we’re at it can we say a guardian shot some alien goo in Roland’s wound and bring him back? I liked his ammo/grenade regen in BL1.


That or just have him suddenly show up going “the respawn station took a while for some reason, sorry.”

Seems like the BL style of humor lol. It wasn’t a permanent death, just the respawn station taking a while to load, and nobody thought to check!

Yeah please bring em back, but as enemies again so i can blast them away with Claptrap. While you are at it, bring Jack as well. I want to blast them all for that thing what theyve done to Claptraps, and how those 2 c*nts high-fived each other.

On a serious note, i dont think that any classes so far will be back as playable in new game. At least that wasnt the case with previous games… Would you really like to play a brand new game, with a same character and same skill sets?

Absolutely. I’d love to be able to team up as Gaige and Brick together.

Plus the next game is about “getting all the vault hunters you can find” so it makes sense that the old ones would be returning, like Athena and Aurelia.

I’m sure there would ALSO be new ones, and the only classes would have adjusted skill trees, but still.

The returning classes they could possibly return, are Claptrap (they could “reprogram” him with all new sets of skills and action skill) and maybe Wilhelm (they could “scavenge” his body and make some sort robot/cyborg crossover with all new action skill and skill sets).
Any other returning classes should be exact copy of the ones we have seen so far (as they are all humans), and thats highly unlikely imo.

I want a robot dog companion, because dogs!

I want Timothy.

Hopefully as target dummies.

There us one man who can bring them back. We should get a quest to find Dr. Ned, and he brings them back.

Gearbox should take a page from fighting games and just bring back characters unless they were an absolute fail. I think we are at a stage in the series where continuity and playing the character that you want to play is more important to the experience than just playing new characters. It would also give them an opportunity to right past wrongs with skills not scaling well or just not working. Keep the stuff that worked, make adjustments to the things that didn’t.

Can you imagine finally playing an elemental Maya that worked or a Sal that can properly tank with skills and not a Moxxi gun?

Not to mention that we’ve all grown attached to characters and it’s sad seeing them relegated to NPCs when they were so much fun to play as.


mske it a nakayama experiment that goes wrong.

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agree. but tps only hits lvl 70 so game play never reaches play level that breaks the skills too much. i love and slightly hate op8, but the challenge is fun.

i hate to suggest that gbx copy more of blizzard, but ROS got rid of multiple play thru requirement. run the main story line once, then have another mechanism to controll difficulty. Blizzard rarely makes a mistake with their tweaks.

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Speaking of Nakytiyama, he would be a brilliant character to play as. He already took a page from Wilhelm and has a shoulder mounted Vengeance Cannon.

I wouldn’t mind Nisha back, but Wilhelm’s death is not only Canon, it’s part of the story. Nisha’s death is canon, but since it’s not part of the main plot, it can always be ret-con’d without a problem.

Set the level from the start which would cut down on the time spent re-farming gear every 6 months because they decided to increase the level cap.

Love the idea of just eliminating multiple playthroughs and having sliding difficulty setting.

They can bring Wilhelm, Nisha, and Roland back as Replicants.

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He also dies tumbling down stairs… Not exactly badass :stuck_out_tongue:

I can totally see an older Tina as a vault hunter though: pretty badass and fearless on her own, trained by nearly a dozen bona fide VH, best buddies with Brick, already the best demolition expert on Pandora at 13, has her fair share of mental issues and a well-defined personality, has no qualms about killing… And every BL title has had a character (or 2) specialized in explosives.


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if she calms down. like gaige (or teen) she is very annoying.