Felicity glitch

So of all the glitches that got fixed the one where she keeps on turning around and walking until right before the crane, than turns backs around didn’t get fixed, it’s annoying as hell fix it gearbox!

Yes, this is very frustrating and quite common. If the enemies don’t spawn right before the main room, she’ll just turn around and head right back to where she started. On PS3 for me.

@joe_king @Jeffybug I’m sure this is something that has been on Tech Support’s radar since release. Do you know if they can do anything about it?

I’m on ps3 too i think it has something to do with the way the route she takes is constructed it wraps around, so I think when enemies spawn in other rooms she starts walking towards them then (stupidly) realizes they are not there so walks back then just keeps walking back and forth like an idiot that’s my observation because I see red dots appear on the mini map and she starts walking towards them.@bookemdano

Side note:has anybody completed the challenge to not let her kill any enemies?

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This happened to me recently, I just quit and restart. The game returns to the point as if you had just uploaded Felicity to the powersuit.

Side note: has anybody completed the challenge to not let her kill any enemies?

I think some of the hardcores here have managed it but most of us have never been able to. It’s definitely one of the most difficult BA challenges in the game. After trying multiple times with my strongest character I don’t even attempt it anymore.