Drop rates at the moment?

So does anyone know the current drop rates or a place to find them? The bosses in this game seem to be fairly stingy with their drops. I’ve been farming Felicity probably 30 times now and no Quasar. Btw I’m using Aurelia so it’s not a 5 second kill :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yup. For designated drops from bosses, you have a 1 in 10 chance of the item dropping. For those with more than one item in their designated pool, that’s a 1 in 10 chance of any item being dropped (so if there are 4 items in the pool, the chance of the one you want is actually 1 in 40).

Given the nature of RNG, you won’t necessarily see 1 drop in every 10 runs - sometimes more, sometimes less. And you will get prolonged runs with nada then maybe a few back-to-back scores. Full details here and links therein (since it’s the same loot system and same odds in both games).

On Felicity specifically, though, I believe there’s an issue with at least one of her designated drop items only appearing during the actual story mission and not subsequently?

If it’s a Quasar specifically you’re after, you may want to try some other potential sources such as any super badass level enemy (I’ve had legendary grenades drop from the massive Tork in the final section of the industrial plant, before you go through to the Robot Production Facility.)


Heads and skins only drop during the mission from what I remember but the Quasar can drop outside the story.


But it’s drop rate still seems to be unusually low.


Its really not

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Thanks! :slight_smile: So I guess it’s just random then. Yeah she has dropped a fair bit of vehicle skins but don’t know if that counts.

Do they have legendary grenades as designated drops, cos if not, I’m obviously not farming for world drops.

Btw what does RNG stand for?

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Suppose it’s just random :stuck_out_tongue: Sadly Aurelia isn’t the most effective at farming bosses

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Not designated that I know of, just where I’ve found mine. Well, that and the vending machines!

Random number generator (or generation) - the bit of computer code that is used for all random loot generation in the Borderlands franchise and other such games with randomized loot drops.

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Yeah I see. I suppose I could try for the Four Seasons and grind, but then I would actually have to get a Badass Kraggon to spawn. Or any other grenade with designated drop.

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Probably easier to hit the relevant on-line trading section, and farm the vending machines in the meantime. Legendaries as the Item of the Day are a lot more common in TPS than BL2.

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RNGesus rules the borderlands.

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All badass tork variants have the Bonus Package as their designated drop.


I’ve had a few drops from Felicity out of the storyline mission. I’ve killed her hundreds of times. back when level cap was just 50 and there weren’t bosses to farm, she was who I killed over and over. only 3 Quasars mind you. That is EXTREMELY low in comparison to all other designated drops. I speak from personal experience. Good luck!

you may need to “embrace” the grinder. lol


The torks that go into ground and pop out at you have bonus package in thier loot pool as well.


All of them have it. I’ve seen it drop from the little ones too. Very common drop.


I think it’s the following Tork variants that are considered badass enemies (will elicit a callout from the characters):

Tork Infestral/Pestilent/Plaguebringer
Tork Dredger/Sapper/Devourer
Tork Basilisk/Behemoth/Leviathan
Tork Abysm/Harbringer/Augur

I think the Tork Queens also cause the call out, but I don’t think I’ve ever gotten a BP to drop from them, so I dunno if they have it in their pool.


Aha, suppose I could combine some tork farming with Drongo Bones considering I’m playing as Aurelia. Actually I’ve found Drongo to be probably the quickest farm since he’s so close to spawn and has so little health :stuck_out_tongue:


O ok cool, that’s what i figured.

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Btw, does anyone know how the grinder works in terms of getting a specific element? Is that completely random?

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I believe it is, yes. Although confirmation bias suggests two non-elemental + element gives you the same element more often than not. I have not actually tracked those specific stats, however, so be warned: confirmation bias is real!