So what do you guys think?
Should proficiencies make a return in future Borderlands games?
I vote yes; realistically, especially if characters have certain established backstories, I don’t think every character should be instantly a master of every gun / weapon type they equip.
Ok, so your soldier or merc types, maybe that would apply, but what about for characters like Gaige or Krieg, or potentially the Sirens, who may be more used to using their powers than weapons?
Krieg may have neven used a gun (as @ACNAero just said in a recent post) and Gaige probably wouldnt have crazy weapon training either.
Character backstories aside, it felt very satisfying in BL1 to choose one or two weapon types that really synergized well with your character and their abilities.
Especially since, in BL1, most COMs would grant the different classes specific bonuses for using specific weapon types.
Sure, you could master every weapon type, but it takes a WHILE!
Also, i think character size / strength should come into play, especially if they introduce heavier weapon classes in future installments.
Rocket / grenade launchers, machine guns, huge shotguns, etc?
Brick and Sal and Wilhelm type characters should get bonuses for using them, and smaller characters should incur penalties, unless they grind up their proficincies in those weapon types.
Alternately, smaller characters should get bonuses for smaller guns or lightweight melee weapons.
This could also apply to shields and maybe armour of varying strengths and heaviness.
What do you guys think?