How often does EOS glitch?

You know, where his final form doesnt reappear when you are soooo close to beating him?

I just had it happen 2 out of 3 tries.

Was i just unlucky?

Funny, I don’t think that’s ever happened to me. I always get the complete shield & health regen glitch and have to restart a couple of times until it finally works properly. Which means I beat him a few times and am now waiting for an update before I fight him any more!

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Nope its happened to me plenty. Worse are the freezing issues in that area.

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I’ve killed him around 30 times I’d say and he’s never done it to me

same here. maybe just 20 times, but never glitched out.
but my xbox froze, having a few hundred Maelstorm stacks combined with the final carnage, a few times.

So some of us are just unlucky, huh?

Considering the Clappy DLC is arguably the final main thing keeping a lot of people interested in TPS, they better patch it soon!

It’s not that hard a fight (though, to be fair only on Normal), especially if you are at his level or above, but it is lengthy, and having either his health fully regen multiple times or having his final form not spawn is VERY frustrating!

I don’t know if it counts, but I’m on PC. Maybe it’s platform-specific

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It would seem you already have a thread very similar to this one. No reason to have made a new one. Just ask in the other as its still relevant.

Oh and I was going to just merge the threads, but apparently discourse dosnt want me using that feature at the moment… :pouting_cat: