Iwa's Loot Drop Amount Reduced?

Ok, so I’m not talking rarity drop rate here (I literally just got a Thingy from Iwa) but rather the total SIZE (ie, amount of loot he physically leaves you upon death) seems to have possibly been reduced?

Now it seems to be 5-9 purple & blue items, at most.

I seem to remember I could go from having an almost empty fully upgraded inventory (3 or 4 items out of 39) and I could only fight Iwa 3, MAYBE 4, times before having to clear my inventory out, and that was ONLY picking up Blue and Purple loot.

I also seem to remember that after every 4 or 5 Iwa fights, I’d have about a million dollars.

After last few fights, i had barely 300 thousand.

There seems to be only about 15-30 Moonstones per fight now, also, as opposed to like 35-50 per fight before.

Has anyone else noticed this?

It wouldn’t surprise me if this was something they applied in that same patch that got rid of the Bullpup / Smasher / Moonstone exploit.

I paid Iwajira a visit a few times this evening (needed to fill my Moonstone coffers)… his loot pile seemed about par for the course for me? I’m used to only seeing like a couple of purple and blue items, a spattering of green/white, and maybe an orange (tons of ammo, Moonstones, and money though).

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Maybe it’s just me.

Hoping it’s just RNG being ■■■■■■ to me!

I’ll be fighting hin a lot again tomorrow night with Nisha for UVHM “Spyware Came In From The Cold” so I’ll see how it goes then.

I remember last Friday doing the same thing for the same mission with Wilhelm and it seemed to take forever to get up to 200 moonstones.

Anyone else care to weigh in here?

Thanks for the input @Adabiviak

Luckily I have about 40 Iwa kills from months agos still recorded for a video I was making and never finished.
I’m going to go spank this S**T out of him and compare for you dude!!



Thank you!

Alright well I was fooling around a bit with Iwa.
It did seem that the amount he dropped was a little less then I remember.
However I thought maybe this could be the LVL. I was 50 last time I killed him and now 70.
So I made a new LVL50 same as I had before. (I’m on PC so…yeah)
And it didn’t seem to change at all. If it did change it was nothing that I could notice in the little bit of fooling around I did.
I will try it for a few more hour tomorrow when I have more time (and less beer in me)
I will be sure to report my finding because I’m pretty interested in this myself. That and I love killing Iwa!!!

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Iwa’s drop has been reduced?!?


I didn’t say that I just said it did look like it but I Only played with it for about a half an hour.
And I have Like eight beers and two shots of rum in me.
I really don’t think it was and I plain on testing that some more tomorrow.
I only said it looked like it a bit. from 50 to 70 and still If at all it is very little to the point that I wouldn’t worry about it at all.
But I really don’t think it was change though. I think it’s the booze playing tricks on me. Seeing something that’s not happening.

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It seemed better for me tonight too!

just like with any boss, the loot pool is hit or miss for that session. that’s why it takes several runs to fully reap the rewards.

my biggest complaint is the grinder right now.

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So I did fool around a bit more killing Iwa.
I don’t really think anything has changed.
If it did its so small of a change I can’t tell any difference.
I wish there was a way of counting exactly how much he drops.
I honestly I don’t think it has changed at all.

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I’ve killed him over 100 times with no legendary, 30 were during increase drop rate month :slight_smile:

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Not even just legendaries his amount of loot seems to have been reduced too I used to get 8-10 purps,now it’s like 4-5 only killed him 10 times since the drop increase so maybe it’s too small of a sample idk…

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ya, his loot pool is pretty bad now and I only make the run for moonstones and cash.

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So it HAS been reduced!

I knew it!

WTF, Gearbox?

No Bullpups / Smashers, reduced Iwa loot drop…nice work!

lol don’t forget no Moonshot farming of EOS. how dare they not let us have our exploits!!!

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loop glitch is next on their hit list i’m sure.

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What is loop glitching and moon shot farming?

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