Ok, so I’m not talking rarity drop rate here (I literally just got a Thingy from Iwa) but rather the total SIZE (ie, amount of loot he physically leaves you upon death) seems to have possibly been reduced?
Now it seems to be 5-9 purple & blue items, at most.
I seem to remember I could go from having an almost empty fully upgraded inventory (3 or 4 items out of 39) and I could only fight Iwa 3, MAYBE 4, times before having to clear my inventory out, and that was ONLY picking up Blue and Purple loot.
I also seem to remember that after every 4 or 5 Iwa fights, I’d have about a million dollars.
After last few fights, i had barely 300 thousand.
There seems to be only about 15-30 Moonstones per fight now, also, as opposed to like 35-50 per fight before.
I paid Iwajira a visit a few times this evening (needed to fill my Moonstone coffers)… his loot pile seemed about par for the course for me? I’m used to only seeing like a couple of purple and blue items, a spattering of green/white, and maybe an orange (tons of ammo, Moonstones, and money though).
Luckily I have about 40 Iwa kills from months agos still recorded for a video I was making and never finished.
I’m going to go spank this S**T out of him and compare for you dude!!
Alright well I was fooling around a bit with Iwa.
It did seem that the amount he dropped was a little less then I remember.
However I thought maybe this could be the LVL. I was 50 last time I killed him and now 70.
So I made a new LVL50 same as I had before. (I’m on PC so…yeah)
And it didn’t seem to change at all. If it did change it was nothing that I could notice in the little bit of fooling around I did.
I will try it for a few more hour tomorrow when I have more time (and less beer in me)
I will be sure to report my finding because I’m pretty interested in this myself. That and I love killing Iwa!!!
I didn’t say that I just said it did look like it but I Only played with it for about a half an hour.
And I have Like eight beers and two shots of rum in me.
I really don’t think it was and I plain on testing that some more tomorrow.
I only said it looked like it a bit. from 50 to 70 and still If at all it is very little to the point that I wouldn’t worry about it at all.
But I really don’t think it was change though. I think it’s the booze playing tricks on me. Seeing something that’s not happening.
So I did fool around a bit more killing Iwa.
I don’t really think anything has changed.
If it did its so small of a change I can’t tell any difference.
I wish there was a way of counting exactly how much he drops.
I honestly I don’t think it has changed at all.
Not even just legendaries his amount of loot seems to have been reduced too I used to get 8-10 purps,now it’s like 4-5 only killed him 10 times since the drop increase so maybe it’s too small of a sample idk…
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("...take off your pants and go hog wild.")
ya, his loot pool is pretty bad now and I only make the run for moonstones and cash.