I did a search and I couldn’t find that this has been previously addressed - I kind of came across this method by accident but if you want to maximize certain parameters on your badass points, one method I used on TPS was to specifically NOT give upgrades to four things - you can pick out the four thing but I selected shield regeneration and health related parameters. This means that at some point when you select Badass points - instead of five random areas to upgrade, you will get your four “denied” multipliers and one of your “favored” multipliers. You then just continue to ignore the denied ones and plough your points into the others. Since my gameplay is very oriented towards applying lots of damage fast, this means I have been able to quickly up those parameters for things like gun damage, grenade damage and elemental damage.
Indeed, it’s the same trick from BL2.
However, I don’t think it’s been discussed much outside the old forum.
Thus, you get a like.
Worth noting that, after some investment, if the four ignored stats are still low, you will get Max Health as your 5th option (meaning it will show up twice if Max Health was one of the ignored stats).
To remedy this, it’s possible to invest in the ignored stats one at a time until a 5th option reappears.
For my part, my ignored stats were Max Health, Shield Capacity, Shield Recharge Delay, and Recoil Reduction.
Health for Gating
Shield Capacity for faster recharging (because Recharge Rate is not ignored)
Delay because of Melee shields (this is irrelevant in TPS, any other stat can go here)
Recoil Reduction because of its detrimental nature for Hyperion weaponry, and largely negligible effect otherwise.
I don’t use it because I don’t like the system.
I have some ideas about how to make it better next time, I’ll write it up…someday
I’ve tried both ways using the bad ass points and not using them. I haven’t found they have effected my game play one way or the other. Then again, if I’m able to defeat a boss in a reasonable amount of attempts I’m good. Unless I’m going to do PVP in a game I don’t see the need to obsess over getting the absolute maximum from each character. Much rather play the game and enjoy it rather than pour over spreadsheets. That is too much like work instead of a game.
Good points and you should play the game your own way. I think the enhancements due to the Badass points makes subsequent playthroughs go quicker. I think I spent alot of time on the ground on my first playthrough and lots less on my sixth in part because of the points (and also because I know the maps and know the enemy types).
I tried to do it that way in TPS, but the game reset my BAR 3 times. I got so tired of reapplying the points in specific places (it took half an hour or more from gameplay) that I just started putting them wherever. With the exception of reload speed, I don’t find that any of the stt boosts make a difference.
can anyone explain this thread to me? I am unaware of the ability to manipulate the BAR points. I have roughly 24K BAR and my highest buff stat is 10.2%
For Example: I would love to keep adding to my gun damage, but after a while I can’t add to it. I can only add to “other” buffs. How can I get around that?
I tend to stick my BA points into anything that affects my guns, shield cap, or damage and leave everything else alone. If I have to and don’t have any other choice, I’ll put a point in elemental effect damage.
It’s sort of random. Select four traits that you don’t want to add to. Never add to these four traits. In my case I chose Shield related items and a health related item. Eventually the “random” selector will kick up the lowest traits plus one random selection from your favorite traits. You can’t “select” gun damage but it will come up enough that you will have buffed up all the traits except those that you purposely left off. I did this mainly because my style of play (the Gunslinger) was to inflict as much damage as quickly as possible and then go hide for the reloads. I also used turtle shields and such and character perks that ameliorated the lack of badass points in those four areas.
so I guess I’ll have to start now. LOL
since my lowest buff is 8%. I’ll just start ignoring the ones I don’t want(only 4) and go from here. Thanks for the info.
You can skew the points toward the attributes you want most. I do just that. But you can’t outright ignore 4 of them. Eventually, the system will punish you, or break–however you want to look at it. If you start seeing some attributes pop up a lot, “waste” a point or two in them. You don’t want to anger the programming gods.
I try to always apply points to shield recharge, delay and capacity, If they aren’t available I go to gun damage