Deadlift challenge

Pretty sure its deadweight but how do you get it?

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A couple of the Deadlift battle challenges can only be achieved during the story mission fight with him once per playthrough.

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I know that but I’ve done the other 2,the not losing the shield and not getting shocked by the floor. I can’t get dead weight ever even though I never use the jump pads

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I know the Long nail sniper makes the dead lift challenges a lot easier to get as it shoots through his shield and he seems to have fairly low health.
Trick of course is to get a long nail.

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In order to get the Dead Weight challenge, you should save/quit your current game and go back in, but when you go back in, start from the part of Regolith Range where you exited from during the story mission. Work your way back from the exit, going through the scav-filled area with all of the Dahl buildings, and climb back up across the platforms and up the lava river/waterfall (stingray vehicle recommended) and go back through Kraggon Pass, towards the back entrance to Deadlift’s spawn area. (NOTE: they count the jump pad that gets you into the area where he spawns during the story mission as one of “his jump pads”) Hope this helps! :slight_smile:

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@Eelectrica I had lIke 5 of them I only have one now an incendiary for my athena, ground the others, invincible sentinel drops them like candy. I used a glitch maliwan shock laser, that s$!t eats through shields when it procs the multi-shot glitch

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thats incorrect, the no jump pad challenge has to be done during the mission active, the first jump pad that u ride to cross the gap doesnt count, jus stay on the ground floor or double jump up to the second floor and there r stairs, jus avoid all jump pads in that room, it works

@MortalAngel05 those stairs are my best friend, I jump up there as soon as I come in, no jumppad, it makes no difference, I never get the challenge. The other two I have,deadweight I never get. I even killed all the scavs before using any jump pads.

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On my Wilhelm, my most recent toon, when i finally started doing all the boss / level challenges, i got that challenge on my TVHM playthrough even with using the entrance jump pad.

Just stick to the stairs.

Hope it’s not bugged for you!

actually, i had originally thought what you just said, but when i went back through from the back entrance, it worked for me. i had been trying forever to get the challenge completed, so i did it the way i explained and it worked. so either im right, or my 360 is really glitched up…

It probably is bugged for me tried to do it on my tvhm with nisha and both modes with athena. The titan industrial facility challenge the second one with the door I can’t seem to get either tried it on normal and tvhm with nisha and normal for athena the nisha playthroughs I got all of them the gate never closed but it never gave it too me athena I didn’t get all of them so I saved and quit attempted it again, saved then quit, came back in and the scavs weren’t there. The I can do this alone challenge is all but impossible, so I quit trying to do it. I understand the felicity with each playthrough thing but the scav door challenges are stupid, Just have the enemies respawn everytime so you can get the challenge whenever you want. Are there any more one time challenges besides the ones I mentioned?

you have to do it during the mission. so if you missed it on normal, you’ll have to do it in tvhm and so forth.

the dead weight challenge indicator will not pop on your screen until after he’s been killed and you enter the top room where all his loot is.

just come into his arena from the normal entrance, using the jump pad in the front to get you there will not void the challenge.

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But isn’t the top of the room only accessible by jump pads?

after you kill him, it won’t matter.

the two Titan Industrial challenges are pretty tough and should be done with a much higher level character than on the play difficulty. I actually forgot about this until now, but my plan all along was to come back with a level 70 toon on normal mode and use a RL.

there’s a lot of BA rank challenges that will be a lot easier on a lesser difficulty play through with an over leveled character. I’m going to do crouch potato this way so I can just one shot everything.

you can do it either way you just can’t use any jump pads during the fight.

you can do it either way, you just can’t use any jump pads during the battle.

Crouch potato is annoying, the worst is when you crouch, kill all the enemies in the area, then look and see that you aren’t crouching because the second psycho you saw meleed you :angry:. IT MAKES ME SO MAD!!! EXPLOSIONS!? They need to make the crouch notification more notifying

that’s why you do it with an overpowered character on low level play mode.

The two titan facility challenges are one time only ones too so how would you come back to those areas in a lower difficulty?