Moonstone / Loyalty Guns Exploit Patched Out 5/19:2015

Well, no more free 30 Moonstones and Bullpup / Smasher (depending on whether you had save files from both BL1 and BL2 on your profile) exploit had been patched out as of the required patch download today, May 19 / 2015.

This sucks.

No more at level Bullpups / Smashers aside from what we have already stockpiled I guess!

No more easy Moonstones!

About to try it with internet connection disabled, but, since it was a patch, rather than a Hotfix, I’m not getting my hopes up!

Nope, does not work Offline either.

Damn…a sad day!

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Yeah, just posted another thread about this – a sad day. Maybe the mods will want to merge our threads.

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Meh. I didn’t use this exploit in the first place.

Also, I guess the Top Gear guides should be updated with this info, huh?


This is too bad. The Bullpup was a great gun. I don’t care much for the rest though.

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Would be nice if the Bullpup was made a drop from something, that would soften the blow at least a little.


Yeah, at this point, aside from using any level 2-70 Bullpups / Smashers that you have stockpiled, the only way now to get either of these great guns is to have another player give them to you if they happen to have any stockpiled.

The Bullpup at LEAST needs to be made available as a drop, as @Chuck80 said.

Oh well, i used it and it was good while it lasted, i’m not sad they fixed it though.

Bullpup was a GOOD gun, though.

I’m sure someone will find a way to make the exploit work again; they did it each time the Immolate glitch was patched. Where there’s a will, there’s a way.

I think it’s sad, as the Bullpup was both easy to get and since it had fixed parts, was also easy to get the one you wanted.

But since glitched guns are a thing, a glitched thinking can be just as good, so it’s not a total loss… bu they’re much harder to find. Guess that means more non-legit guns will find their way into the game.

I’m actually just sad if not more so about the quick 30 moonstones at any level.

Unless youre at 70, it’s not always convenient to go fight a boss or mob of enemies for moonstones unless you want to get over leveled or potentially killed.

Being able to get 30 moonstones every minute and a half was sweet, especially since i hate grinding blue gear without moonstones, or for celestial COMs.

Im glad they fixed it. Sucks about the weapons though. But it was an exploit rhye needed to be fixed. The patch notes did say they gave denial subroutine special loot. Maybe the smasher and bullpup will drop from him or some other boss.

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I made a post regarding Denail Subtoutine and any luck any players have had so far with drops, so I recommend keeping an eye on it if people keep posting their findings. So far denial himself has not dropped anything beyond a few glitched weapons. His chest though is worth the farm :wink:

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Wish I had thought of grabbing even one level 70 Bullpup… I haven’t used it in a while and sort of forgot about it with the new DLC guns.

I had a glorious set at level 50 in all elements but never re farmed them.


Wish I ever even got to use one :frowning: all this talk about it is breaking my heart over here. Damn BL1 save for not being on my current hard drive >:[

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That sucks!

Woe is me :frowning: but…!! Someone (not saying who) did drop a Two fer Smasher with dmg that beats out even the luck cannon with a luneshine bonus of 10% crit dmg as well… So… What’s a bullup??

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Fast firing and accurate unique blue Hyperion shotgun that can come in all elements and with a blade.

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@FlamesForAll they taunting me sooo bad with this gun :frowning: when I hopped on today and had my splitscreen join my game I got the loyalty message on my screen for both BL1 and BL2 but neither rewards :confused:

Those smasher with luneshine is non legit, esp. the torgue brand.

Bullpulp is old hyperion thinking shotgun with higher damage and mag but lower fire rate and longer reload.

For those who like to play pt1 and pt2 over and over again with multiple toons would be pissed, as before this they also patched the 10 free golden keys.

I have all the gears i need but i still prefer to play pt1 and pt2 with whatever gears i could farm as i level.

Loyalty rewards and free golden keys are quick way to move through game without fuss and most important, gears are not too powerful yet less blueish, greenish or whitish lol.

I know there are numbers of keys in the shift but as of now i am at 19th toon playing over both pt again, so golden keys are not enough lol.

Why i do that? Because at pt1 and pt2, you find a lot of online players in online public.
Co op while levelling is so much fun and my level 70 toons can move one side.

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Bullpup aint Old Hyperion. It’s got the skin, but it’s more accurate, faster and slightly weaker than old hyperion. It’s like a middle ground, with more mag size.

On the up side, Glitched thinkings now kick all the ass that the Bullpup was kicking.