Moonstones from here on out?

So, i had become pretty reliant on the new game / quit / select character / continue / 30 Moonstones trick.

I would use it to grind blue gears to purple, grind 3 at level COMs into a Celestial, to make sure I had Moonstones for any MS Chest in areas i was going into, for 2 Leggies + purple gun grinding, to max out toons ammo and inventory space early.

If you don’t have access to Iwa / Sentinel / RK5 / EOS / Mutator arena, what is the best way to gather moonstones now?

Looking to get a full bank for mules huh? :smile:

RedBelly was a good place to farm Moonstones with the endless enemy spawns. But I don’t know if that was patched.

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without access to ANY of those you may as well hunt any tougher mob. I would recommend the darksiders as they are early on and the badasses drop a decent amount. As stated above, redbelly is good too. If you just want a mule and are playing on console then plug in another controller, make a new account and have it join your main for the sentinel fight. (iirc you can still keep fighting if they die, you just can’t bring them back into the room). The DLC arena is also decent.


Well, when your main character has access to Iwa, farm him, bring mule in after Iwa’s death & before you start picking up moonstones (via split screen); mule can sit in Janie’s garage and earn the moonstones you pick up.

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I have my mule join during the fight that way drops are slightly increased, mule gains exp, and why hell not lol. Mule almsot lvl 50 just from joining in boss fights and sitting at the fast travel

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If you get bored of Iwa, places like Outlands thingy (where Pickle is) can be generous with moonstones - just go through all the tork-infested areas.

yep looks like it is back to iwajira and guardians

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I prefer Sentinel over Iwajira since all the moonstones tend to remain clustered and it seems to drop more than Iwa.


This , though I add in also NVHM in this mode I spend 15 minutes killing Guardians, then run around picking up 60 to 80 moonstones

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Iwajira for me. While the Sentinel drops more stuff, it’s a much longer fight, and you’re more likely to die.

Oh snap they patched that?

I haven’t been able to use it since I switched to the ps4 from the x360 but I too used that a lot.

I use the sentinel in normal mode, its easy peasy especially when you’re several levels above. It seems to drop the most moonstones out of any of them of course it is a longer fight than iwaj.

For early game quick moonstones I use the dark siders.

Iwa is my method. Never had to use that exploit cause i can just farm him for everything i need.

Easy moonstone farming for a high level character for me has been going back thru TVHM and farming bosses like Iwa, Sentinel, RK-5, etc,. Sentinel will give the most moonstones, at least 45 per run while Iwa is about 30 to 35 at the most. I don’t farm RK-5 much because it’s hard to travel to and back. Other bosses like red belly, nel, only drop 4-5 moonstones.

If you’re farming for low level characters, that can be tough, you might have to start/join a party and commit to farming Iwa for 5-10 runs or as needed.

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I can only run Iwa a few times before his loot spray + lack of oxygen annoy me right back to the Sentinel. :slight_smile:


I suggest going to Eleseer? And go farm the now respawnable Opha Superior, once killed it’ll re spawn automatically within a few seconds (about the time it takes you to loot the first one) it will spawn 5 times max every time you save and quit. Gives great xp, its spawns in mobs during the fight for even more xp! And and and the best part!!! No stupid grenade taking up backpack space!!! So essentially they gave us the Guardian Hunter mission but as a set mob in the game to go farm now.
Edit: drops a good amount of moonstone and blue rarity items so if you are heading to the sentinal it deffinetly worth the stop!

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The Sentinel in Normal Mode with my LV70 character. Overwhelmingly easy fight and collect like around ~50 moonstones per try. Don’t use the moonstones to enter the arena, just click to enter it.

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My Jack mule is level 60 and even helps in a fight due to his excellent action skill. Even though my main is now a level 70 Jack.

Depends on playthrough and your level.

Not really: iwajira doesn’t have 6 different phases changes and a cut scene to wait through

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For me, the real question for any farming is, “Am I bored yet?” I can’t do the 100-runs-in-a-row thing; my usual limit is about 10, although it does depend on how long the whole run takes (Knuckledragger in BL2 is easy to get to, so 20 runs is quite feasible. Others, not so much!) In that sense, it’s nice to have options where at least one involves more than simply “See boss, shoot boss, repeat” So, some quick runs on Iwa and then a longer Sentinel run, then something else (I’ve already mentioned Outlands Canyon as one of my personal favourites.)

So, farm whatever you want wherever you want. And if you get bored, mix it up a bit.