I am a little worried about BL3 really going to multiple planets where all those vaults are.
Maybe what made me fall in love with the franchise was the Mad Max style wasteland, the feeling that everyone was abandoned to their fates and must do anything to survive (kill if necessary) unless they want to let madness take place in their hearts or death take away their lifes.
Even playing TPS daily that feel is not there. Its a fun experience, dont get me wrong but the landscape is too different and even the music doesnt feel right sometimes.
Can we go to war but at the same time stay in Pandora?
Do we need to take spaceships and visit other planets and environments and lose that old west feeling?
What do you guys think and what are your biggest fears regarding the upcoming game?
Biggest fear is that Battleborn will not do so well and they rush Borderlands 3 out just to keep the money coming in.
If Battleborn manages to hold its own (I don’t particularly like it) then Borderlands 3 will likely return to a mix of the best of BL1/BL2 and a new story and remain on Pandora. Really why do we need to go to another planet anyway (Gravity mechanics maybe) ? There is still a lot of exploration to do on Pandora and all sorts of environments can be implemented.
One word of caution, if the Season Pass announcement is wishy-washy as to what they are going to deliver then they are not confident the game will be a success. I have a feeling the radical changes between the three games has put off a lot of people and if thye don’t find out just what it is that everyone loves about Borderlands then it may be a tall order to get BL2 sales numbers again.
I am sorry budy, but everything leads to that conclusion
Maybe they release a xbox360/ps3 version later, because there are Mac and PS Vita versions of BL2 too, right?
("...take off your pants and go hog wild.")
not sure, I only play on console, xbox360. By the time BL3 comes out I’m sure i’ll go next gen console. it’s only a matter of time before they phase out making games for 360 and PS3
Agreed, maybe they want to do something big and flashy with many worlds to follow the many vaults map ideia ? But Pandora already has tons of different environments, there are NPCs and events could be explored more.
I think they will do fine, we Borderlands players may not enjoy that style of game too much, but MOBA games like League of Legends, Dota2, Heroes of the Storm are trending and this one will offer new features never seen before.
I hope they learn a lesson from TPS’s season pass and the disappointment we had and release what kind of DLCs we are going to get when buying the new season pass.
("...take off your pants and go hog wild.")
they didn’t announce every BL2 season pass DLC before it was released did they? I seem to remember buying the BL2 season pass and then later they added the DLCs.
They are vault hunters and they need vaults to hunt. Unless Pandora has more vaults to unveil then traveling to another planet may be required in order to keep the main theme of the game alive. It would be quite trite for the story to continue along the lines of a 3rd hidden Vault on Pandora. Moving to another planet brings up the problem of how to incorporate key figures in the game like, Moxxi, Scooter, Marcus and others.
Has the idea of the Vault lost its allure. Three games now centered around vaults of different types and none have been overly satisfying. The Secret Armoury of General Knoxx has been the only real vault like treasure found in this series. I feel the end rewards in the game need to be more generous.
Well, what defines a “Vault Hunter”?
-Being capable as a warrior
-Being found of big guns
-Longing for adventures
etc, etc etc…
We don’t have any capabilities/skills to “track” vaults more than anyone else.
Maybe we are needed in this future war because we hunt vaults.
Maybe we are needed because we are competent fighters and badasses in general.
Since we would need to leave Pandora to hunt those vaults, i like the last option better.
Gearbox can come up with the idea of leaving those vaults for later and focus now in the war purely.
I wouldn’t mind going to new planets, so long as Pandora is the one we’re on the most. It has alot of varied environments, but other planets could still offer interesting locations, as Pandora doesn’t seem to have any kind of natural forest or jungle. It also doesn’t have many urban/ corporate areas, like Opportunity or the Hall of Heroism.
Also, the upcoming war is probably going to be a war over the Vaults, which will necessitate traveling to some of those other Vaults.