Events In Tycho's Ribs

Ok, so the Eridians LET Zarpadon access the Elpis Vault and interface with the Vault symbol thingy, right?

They “infected” her and her Lost Legion soldiers and used them to defend the Vault against the Vault Hunters and by proxy Jack, right?

But, if they wanted the Vault defended, why were they letting Zarpadon attempt to destroy it with the laser?

Also, the cannon that you have to breach the shield wall with in Tycho’s Ribs; it looks distinctly Hyperion but Jack says Dahl set it up, doesn’t he?

Why do Dahl need to breach an area that their commander has already bern given access to?

ARE the Lost Legion and Eridians fighting on the same side?

Better destroyed than in Jack’s hands.

Couldnt the Eridians have used their own vastly more advanced tech and weaponry to destroy it themselves then?

Why depend on a manmade laser, even if it WAS utilizing E Tech (Eye of the Destroyer)?

Probably because they wanted certain events to happen.

I think Dahl breached that area and then Zarp and her troops “lost it”.


Corporal Betsy says that when they breached the shield, the Watcher came and talked to Zarpedon.

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Oh, so there was a point where Zarp’s troops were fighting their way through Eridians into the Vault?

It’s not clear if they were being resisted by the Eridians, or if the Eridians stayed out of the way until they breached the shield.

I dunno.

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I had never heard the Corporal Best echoes before!

Thanks for that!

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You’re welcome. There’s these too:

Those i had heard.

So it seems like the Eridians viewed Hyperion / Jack as the bigger threat, and used the Lost Legion to their advantage.

To buy time for Zarpadon to destroy the moon?

Why not just resign the moon as a loss and destroy it themselves?

And why let Jack kill Zarpadon?

And It is this that makes me believe that they truly thought Lilith would be able to kill Jack in the Vault, as they let her slip in unnoticed.

I personnaly stopped asking myself questions because at the beginning of the game, Jack says that the Lost Legion (who are supposed to be good guys once you finished the game and discovered their story) is killing all the employees, but they just kick Jack’s ass with their feets right after he killed a lot of them…

Sooo, yeah, I try not to fill every holes in the story with little clues and interpretation that we see and hear along the game !

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There’s a really dark bit in the main section of Helios right before you head to veins of Helios. In the “station” where you enter the tunnel, go to the left (one of the side quests has you go there to pick up a cleaning bot) and look at the very end by the wall: apparently a firing squad executed some Hyperion guys there.

But yes, you’re right about expecting too much: this game has more plot holes than a plate of Swiss cheese - or a Montreal road in the spring!

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