New weapon / gear types?

Would you guys like to see new weapons / gear types in future Borderlands installments?

Here are some ideas I had:


Light through heavy machine guns

Grenade launchers

More energy weapons


Gauss cannons

Melee weapons of various sizes

Body armour


Ummm that’s all I got for now…

Fun Fact!

Grenade Launchers were originally in BL1, but they were cut. That’s why Rocket Launchers only have Bodies 1, 3, and 5. Bodies 2 and 4 were going to be Grenade Launcher bodies.



That’s awesome!


Is the Longest Yard and other ones in Pre-Sequel just chopped liver?

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Due to an unloving RNGesus, I have yet to try most of those Legendaries!

It’s not unloving, you just used all of your luck when you got 3 BL1 pearls within a month playing :P.

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Fair enough!

4 if you include the fact that I found 2 sub-par Tsunamis!

I’d like repeaters and revolvers separated again.


And how about the weapons that manufacturers don’t make? Be it weapons that were scrapped from BL1 to BL2, like Torgue sniper rifles, or weapons that a manufacturer never made, like Tediore sniper rifles. Would love to see the holes filled.

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How about something like this
Title: Rock-it-Launcher (R0K-17-L4NCH3R… Or some such)
Class: Rocket launcher
Rarity: Legendary
Red text: “That’s for if things get really hardcore. Or if you want to blow up moons.”
Special effects: Weapon can grasp; explosive barrels, random weapons & ammo on the ground, etc. and launch them at the target with classified “R0K-17” technology.

Basically, it can take things in the environment and use them to massive effect. Much like its namesake, if you give it a turd, it’ll get an explosion out of it.

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Soooo… You copied this from Fallout 3? Then added explosions to it?

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Still a cool idea!

Another use for trash drops!

I want to like this, but I don’t want my doing that to seem like I approve of them being gone in any way… So this.

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Crap… That’s already a thing. I never played fallout so I didn’t know.
No I got my inspiration from rockit raccoon in the guardians of the galaxy movie.

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R.I.P. Torgue Cobra.

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Fires gun in air as tribute.


*shot procs x4 Explosive tech pool explosion on the flammable oxygen / nitrogen molecules in the air

The whole world explodes. There is not a more fitting tribute.